Author Topic: 5828 Blister - loose left armguard  (Read 2144 times)

Offline Martin Milner

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5828 Blister - loose left armguard
« on: January 15, 2009, 13:03:03 »
Anyone else bought this blister with the Green Dragon Knight & Black Horn-Helmed Knight?

The left armguard on my Green guy is loose, and I'm wondering if this is a universal problem. I can probably fix it with a bit of steeping in boiling water and squeezing, but if I was a 10 yo kid I'd be pretty miffed right about now.

Offline Timotheos

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Re: 5828 Blister - loose left armguard
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 15:12:18 »
but if I was a 10 yo kid

Uhhh.... Martin.... I have some bad news for you.....

I'd be pretty miffed right about now.

Heh, I remember so many crud toys--GI Joes whose backpacks wouldn't stay in.  Star Wars figures who couldn't hold their guns...

But, seriously, yeah probs like the red dragon wings and little things like this plus Target's dirt-cheap prices might lead less knowledgeable parents to think of PM as "dirt cheap"....

Offline Gepetto

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Re: 5828 Blister - loose left armguard
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 17:39:13 »

I don't really care for this set but have bought a few nonetheless, I have not experienced this problem with the arm guards so hopefully yours is just a fluke.

Heh, I remember so many crud toys--GI Joes whose backpacks wouldn't stay in.  Star Wars figures who couldn't hold their guns...

What I hated worse about the G.I. Joe's was the way their feet always came off in their boots!!


Offline Rasputin

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Re: 5828 Blister - loose left armguard
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 19:46:17 »
I also have quite a few of these and with the small amount that i have opened have not had problems . I could open more and check and keep you posted .

The small GI Joe's  ??? I hated how the rubber-band would break separating his body parts. I had English neighbors and they brought all their large barbie sized GI Joes so we played with them a lot more . 15 years later they are available here  8}

They donated all the Figures to us and now they have been on the run ever since
If you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigori has been killed, if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family will remain alive. They will be killed by the Russian people. :prays:

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: 5828 Blister - loose left armguard
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 23:29:23 »
Guess mine's just a fluke then. I have one other of this blister I haven't opened yet, among about 5 different blisters unopened from my Houston trip.

The Germanic Legionaries had loose right hands on most of mine so they couldn't hold a spear properly, and I fixed that with a boiling water dunk and squeeze, so I was wondering if it's an effect of using old moulds, perhaps.

Nice Pic Ras!  :lol: