Thanks for all the warm welcomes, everyone!
I am enjoying being a "woman of mystery," at least for a while!

My fantastic, though probably temporary, avatar is courtesy of Sylvia (as usual!

) who provided so many interesting pre-fab choices (I gave the panda some serious consideration, what with the mask and all, but ultimately I could not resist the weaponry!)
It is lovely to be back among friends in this lovely forum. Besides the fantastic five (Sylvia, Psyche, Meg, Serenity, and, of course,
Guarrenzino) I am delighted to see Rob, Tim (and Derick

,) Kristian, and Robbie who are all among the first to sign up.
I have been away for a few days and it is so great to see that our numbers are steadily increasing!
BTW, When I was writing my first post I mis-remembered David's new name as "Guarranissimo" (as in bellissimo and Generalissimo) but I was unsure of the spelling and actually referred to him as "G-mo" which has a sort of hip-hop flavor. After posting I realized my mistake and changed it to G-zino. Now, of course, since I was editing it anyway, I could have used the correct long version, "Guarrenzino," but I knew in my heart that this would be an opportunity to bask in David's wit and he did not disappoint!