Author Topic: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond  (Read 10603 times)

Offline Timotheos

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Re: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 23:51:28 »
"being homeless" is just a state in which everybody could get at a certain point.
it is not a character attribute.

Another problem, though, is that a large number of homeless are homeless not due to money troubles per se, but due to behavior problems that prevent them from holding onto a job.

Like paranoid schizophrenia, or other severe mental disorders.

So, when dealing with people in this predicament, you aren't always guaranteed to encounter somebody who behaves rationally, and they may be abnormally aggressive, on substances, et cetera.

But, Jochen!  Don't take me so seriously.   ;D You did a great story.  0) :love:

Offline CountBogro

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Re: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2007, 09:10:12 »
Another problem, though, is that a large number of homeless are homeless not due to money troubles per se, but due to behavior problems that prevent them from holding onto a job.

Like paranoid schizophrenia, or other severe mental disorders.

So, when dealing with people in this predicament, you aren't always guaranteed to encounter somebody who behaves rationally, and they may be abnormally aggressive, on substances, et cetera.

But, Jochen!  Don't take me so seriously.   ;D You did a great story.  0) :love:

I think that it's a worthwhile observation, Timotheos. But I think it depends a lot on where you live.
Where I come from there are enough shelters and projects to help the homeless, the destitute and even those with mental disorders. Mind you, I do live in a rather small town that's just far enough from the large cities. Go there and things change a lot.

A Dutch bishop lived for a week with the Amsterdam homeless and lived as they did. Very much a eye-opener. (In the end, he didn't manage to return the sleepingbag - a highly priced resource) as he had given it away to someone who needed it more...
As I said, I think the very nature of the homeless is more or less a local thing.

But more importantly, I am glad you liked it, Jochen. I wanted to make a Archeologist first as that would span the bridge between your interests and mine. But it turned out to be rather un-interesting. Then I saw the shopping cart of the Specials and had another idea  ::)

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

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Re: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2007, 14:38:25 »
I really love the comic book technique that you use for your photo-stories!

Thank you  :D

Do you use PhotoShop?

No, I use The GIMP.

I would really appreciate a tutorial on how to do "comic book" style photo-stories.

I've posted here a small tutorial about how to make (simple) speech bubbles (written for The GIMP but can be adapted to Photoshop or any other painting software too).

Offline Pyrrhus

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Re: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2008, 16:54:22 »
Steve resembles a hippie for me, that may be the reason by which he is so kind, heheh

Offline playmofire

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Re: Secret Klicky for Little Jo - Vagabond
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2008, 20:06:44 »
Somehow I missed this story, probably with being in Malta for Christmas and so off the net for much of the time.  Anyway, I've found it and congratulations to Bogro on a great custom and Little Jo on a great story and photogaphs.
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