Yes, both the masts from a 3940 will fit into the mast holes of an original sailing ship. Because the original hull is lower where the rear mast goes, you need ratlines/ladders the same as the original. They're still around, but colour matching with the front ratlines might be difficult. The front ones for the old and new ship types are the same. The rear ones for the old ship have 17 rungs, the newer style rear ratlines have 14.
If you're using the crane arm that comes with the newer masts, note that the space between the masts is shorter on the old ship so the crane arm knocks into the rear sail. I put one together myself last year.

Note too the colour of the clips that hold the sail on. They're brown, not black like most of them. These came from the royal schooner I think and are probably still available from direct service. Pulleys are also brown, same source I think.
Ratlines on the left side are original, ones on the right are new. Mucked up the colour of the rear one. Just used regular string for the ropes.