Today, I went to two close ToysRUs stores. They have a buy 2 - get the third one for $1.00. I bought:
6 x 5972 Knights Carry Pack #3
6 x 4768 Knight with training Dummy
9 x 4767 Grumpy Pirate with treasure chest.
This gives me a total of:39 x 5972
with a total of 19 X 4768
and a total of 25 x 4767
Set 4767 come with a Spainish sword and so I am making these Spainish Militia using 'Three-inch Glory' rules, this is 2 companies. I may go for a batalion. The large number of 5972 just adds to my armies. I am buying sets of 4768 just as another knight army or faction.
-- Donmobil