Well; I put it in my introduction so now I have to make it happen now if only to save face.
I have a 5258 Locomotive in which the sound card has died so is less beloved of our boys than once it was. Then I stumbled across a dead 99 805 steam locomotive at a boot fair – seemed to have been converted to friction drive at some point

So I now have a donor and a shell – people do it with cars all the time, what could possibly go wrong?
Youtube as ever is a bit of a gold mine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4rfrLQxakg John Mellor modification;
Shows the interior so makes me think the swap could be made.
http://www.walts-playmobil-collection.me.uk/hints_&_tips.htm and walt (many thanks) has other images available of the giblets for study

Well that's the bottom part off (the drive unit basically) – just have to take the top apart now {if I faint now, the coroner’s report is going to make very interesting reading!}.
It is at this point you realise just how well these things are made and how tight the tolerances are, there are 12 sprung catches/tabs which require basically simultaneous release to get the top off -

A quick check that the parts are all still talking when removed from their housings and pcbs etc are out of their cosy slots.
I think a couple of dumb axles are in order for the body now – possibly with a pp3 in the battery space and some LEDs in the correct positions for the lights – I'll have to talk to my technical guru about getting the colours right for direction – what seems impossible to me he will almost certainly have a very easy solution for.
After battling to measure the wheelbase off the old drive unit – I had a thought – the con rods will be the same as the axle base – I make this 72mm?
QUESTION Anyone have a more accurate idea on this? And second question which I am hoping someone will be able to tell me;
QUESTION – how are the old style wheels fitted to the axle

– is it a knurl the axle and overmold job or is there something more substantial inside the wheels? I think I can put them on the lathe and drill out the centres of the old wheels – turn-off the outers off the new wheels and shrink (superglue) the outers of the old wheels on to the new axle – the gears are completely different sadly.
The machining is all entirely possible but somewhat fraught with disaster from any minor errors!
My back-up option is to find or turn a tube the same diameter as the stub connections on the old wheels and drill through the new wheels and glue a stub into the wheel for the con rods to mount to and ignore the spoked look completely. I'll see how my stocks of bravery are doing later on