That's a good site, I'm sure lots of people have had similar ideas for a site like that but have been put of by Geobra's guidelines.
However I'm not entirely sure that they are breaking the rules, here's the paragraph about copyright rules from Playmobil.
Copyrighted Materials
A copyright is the right to control the copying of a creative original work, including the creation of derivative works, or works which are based on an original work. All of our products, packaging, instruction sheets and promotional materials are protected by copyright laws around the world. Copying, scanning, distributing and displaying these materials in print or on a web site would infringe our rights.
However, for non-commercial purposes and in a limited manner, we will grant permission, upon request, for scanning and copying our copyrighted materials for display on a web site. To request such permission, please complete the form available at, and send it to us by fax to +49-911-9666-120.
So maybe permission was granted?