I have now gone through all my Playmobils, and found these sets
3434 Esso service station
3950 Advent calender
3955 Advent calender
3456 Ambulance
3320 Astronaut
4516 Boy & Goat
4511 Captain
3693 Car & skiers
5253 Cargo ship
4231 Clown band
4235 Elephant show
3737 Snake charmer
7151 City bus & bus stop
3304 Cowboys
3746 Cross country cyclist
3348 Deep sea diver
4506 Dracula
5420 Dragons
5482 Dragons
3781 Fire truck
3828 Forest ranger
3631 Friar tuck
3752 Gardener #1
3752 Gardener #2
3825 Girl with geese
3317 Ghost
3697 Glasurit car painter
3747 Gold prospectors
4512 Guitar player
3719 Hay cart
3831 Heavy metal chopper
3495 Hospital
4532 Karateka
3329 Knights
3141 Large dump truck mammut power
3498 Leisure boat yacht
3524 Lyra rally team
3789 Air rescue helicopter
3397 Native american & tractor
3733 Native american camp
3328 Native american shaman
3459 Operating room
5550 Organ grinder
3382 Pirate captain
3385 Pirate captain
3570 Pirate captain & boat
3791 Pirate captain #1
3791 Pirate captain #2
3792 Pirate fisherman #1
3792 Pirate fisherman #2
3794 Pirate camp
3050 Pirate ship
3054 Redcoat soldiers
3300 Biker kids
3819 Seesaw crocodile and kids
3818 Rocker
3308 Seesaw and kids
3709 Skater kids
3564 Police motorcycle green
3564 Police motorcycle white
3149 Police car
3338 Police officer
3714 Equestrian kids
3713 Ponycart kids
3147 Red race team
3629 Robin Hood
4508 Saxophonist
3823 Scarecrow and boy
6348 Schooner ship
3381 Sheriff
3813 Sheriff
3423 Sheriff house jail
4501 Sherlock Holmes
3832 Sun trike motorcycle
3718 Tractor Billy
3847 TV motorcycle reporter
3306 Union Soldiers #1
3306 Union Soldiers #2
3479 Alpha 800 diving boat
3142 Marine boat
3383 Bandit #1
3383 Bandit #2
3816 Bandit miner
3814 Bandit
3769 Farm house ranch
3773 Fort Bravo
3749 Longhorn trail cattle cowboy
3738 White race team
5324 Bathroom
5510 Family
5320 Living room
5503 Luggage cart
5401 Photographer
3584 Windsurfer
3748 X-road bandits
5464 Dragons Knights
4236 Tightrope acrobats Circus
5321 Patio Victorian
5323 Bedroom Victorian
I noticed that some sets have been said to be rare. What does that really mean? They have been made just for a short time or sold only in some countries? Is there any real rare Playmobils in my collection?
Pictures of all my sets can be found on Dropbox