The project started with the purchase of a klickie & a horse from Classic Plastics Toy Store for just $0.49.
Going to the PlaymoDB, I discovered this klickie was 4616 Blue Knight.
The klickie was missing many items! I needed to replace the hair, helmet & visor, plume, greaves, sword, & shield.
Using the DB as my guide for parts, I called Playmobil DS in the US, & placed an order. I was then able to replace the original helmet & visor, the greaves, & the sword; DS did not have the remaining missing items.
Then, I made an appeal to the members of PlaymoFriends; soon, I had offers of assistance from the USA, United Kingdom, & Greece! Apparently, the plume is of a slightly unique color, not quite blue & not quite purple, so it was hard to replace with anything but the original. Fortunately, PlaymoFriend & PCC member Tiermann came to the rescue with the hair, shield, & plume from an original extra set he had. Voila!
With these final pieces, 4616 Blue Knight is now completely reconstructed. The cost was minimal - $0.49 for the original purchase & just about $2.00 for the DS order. The cost of Tiermann's generosity - PRICELESS!
I have returned him to the friend he was acquired with, & with a bit of bling for the horse, this old Blue Knight rides proudly once again.