Still though, the western theme is a completely american theme and even features the american civil war.
And its not a theme they just had once or twice, but its one that has been around for many years.
In comparison, to do a similar thing geared towards the Dutch they'd have to go with the Dutch golden age which was in the pike and shot era where we fought the eighty years war against Spain and won our independence, and established a trade empire. Would be a theme of trade ships, harbours, pike and shot soldiers and forts, and guild houses for craftsmen.
I believe some european countries did have kind of a representation in some of the medieval factions however. Fleur de lis symbols are strongly linked to France so any factions that use them could be seen as french. Nuremberg soldiers and knights are clearly german, as well as teutonic knights and the gothic plate armor designs.
But still, its mostly still open to interpretation. A shame they keep going with fantasy heraldry these days instead of something that actually existed or is historically linked to specific countries.