And that's all the pictures that remain of the first version of these three chapters. A lot is missing as you can see, theres many gaps. And it would have been impossible to reshoot the missing pictures, especially everything considering the siege. Repositioning all soldiers, stones and such to lay in the right place for the missing shots would be more work than shooting the whole story again.
I do plan to have a proper siege battle again sometimes, but that time it will be with a castle specifically designed for it. With my limited tools to dress up the enviroment and the design of my 3666 setup it simply was near impossible to work the angles properly to not get unwanted stuff in the shots.
While storywise I'm quite pleased with the eventual result of the story, I will be first to admit that the visuals where a step back from the Chivalry and Dread Chapter that came before.
I'll see about making something quite different for the next story, to really put myself to the test.