Author Topic: The Old Hotel  (Read 3692 times)

Offline Raven

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The Old Hotel
« on: November 24, 2014, 13:03:20 »
Once upon a time there was a nice hotel.

(OK, so there was a Baby Penguin in the Children's Playroom, and a Baby Triceratops wandering around, but it was nonetheless a nice hotel.)

When the hotel was put up for sale, it was bought by a property developer, who turned it into studio apartments to rent. 

Five tenants moved in, each with their own bed/sitting room.

There was a communal kitchen.

A laundry room.

And a communal dining room.

The student seen above in the dining room had a bedsit on the second floor.

Another man lived next door.

On the floor beneath lived an aspiring musician.

And next door to the musician, Jenni had her bedsit.

The largest apartment on the top floor was rented by a recent divorcee.

And this completes the tour of the bedsits.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

Offline Salamander

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 16:23:14 »
That's really good Raven! I love how the outside view shows that it's not a hotel, with the laundry, bikes and garbage.

Did the divorcee's husband get the cat in the separation? There's no kitty but she has a big photo of it on her desk.

Offline Raven

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 20:09:30 »
The cat is currently with her daughter.  Once her old marital home is sold she will move to a better place for her little cat, and they will be reunited again.

Alternatively .... I was going to add a ginger cat, laying on the bed, but then I realised that as the cat would be an indoor cat, I'd also need to add at least a litter tray - and preferably cat bowls, toys, and an activity centre too.  And there wasn't room for all that, so the cat needed to be absent.   :) 
Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

Offline tahra

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 20:25:32 »
Looks great!

And a big building too...

Offline Tiermann

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 20:47:34 »
Great concept for a reuse of the hotel building. Very creative

Offline Daniela

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 21:16:17 »
I LOVE IT!!!!!!  :love:

It a really GREAT idea and it´s created with so much athmosphere.

It absolutly perfect!!!

 :)9 :)9 :)9

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Offline Birdie

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2014, 08:04:31 »
Lovely!! It was so much fun to look around in all the apartments and find little details everywhere.
Makes me feel like building my own Playmoflat  :)

Will there be a story? Great characters there  8-)

Offline Rhalius

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2014, 12:45:44 »
Looks like a great place to live, will you tell a story about the people living here too?

Looks like that single guy sure likes his beer, having two crates stacked outside! At first sight I thought he had poker cards on the table too, but the next picture showed better it was a book.  :lol: Already thought it was some illegal poker den or such where that guy hosts poker sessions for his friends.

Love all the residents though, won't anyone be troubled by the noise of the fellow with the guitar?

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2014, 22:13:30 »
Interesting use of the hotel building I like the fact that there's a friendly baby Triceratops and Penguin in the hotel and nobody seems particularly bothered.

The hotel works well as small bedsits they're nicely furnished to give an idea of each tenants character particualrly like the top one

The cat is currently with her daughter.  Once her old marital home is sold she will move to a better place for her little cat, and they will be reunited again.

Alternatively .... I was going to add a ginger cat, laying on the bed, but then I realised that as the cat would be an indoor cat, I'd also need to add at least a litter tray - and preferably cat bowls, toys, and an activity centre too.  And there wasn't room for all that, so the cat needed to be absent.   :)

 :lol: I like the way you've really thought out the story and the impracitcalities of having a real cat in the bedsit good attention to detail  :)

Offline Raven

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Re: The Old Hotel
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2014, 05:30:23 »
Thank you.  No stories forthcoming though, not least because I dismantled the hotel/apartment building so I could use the doors (and a piece of fence) for the making of a zoo gift shop:

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn