Author Topic: When Playmobil can save the life of a child : the story of Javier Perez Hidalgo  (Read 1797 times)

Offline playmovictorian

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Good afternoon dear Friends  :wave:

On this Sunday afternoon, I would like to bring your attention towards a 9 years old little boy who lives in Spain. Javier Perez Hidalgo was born a healthy and happy little boy until he reached 3 years old and was diagnosed with the Leigh Syndrom which is a rare disease which affects the central nervous system and to which there is no cure yet, but real hope ! Over the years Young Javier lost his sight and the ability of walking. In 2013 a first successful operations gave him back the mobility of one side of his body and his family is now carrying new hopes with a second operation that could give him the ability to walk again as well as improving his mobility in areas such as speaking or eating. This new operation will come at a financial price and I would like to salute the wonderful initiative and generosity of heart and soul of our Friends from the Playmoworld in Spain who have put together an amazing Playmobil exhibition in Utrera, Spain from 21st February 2014 to 16th March 2014 and of which all sales will go against the 10 000 Euros that costs the operation which could be life changing for young Javier  :love:

Playmobil & Utrera for Javier Exhibition

From 21st February to 16th March 2014

54 square meters of 3 magnificent dioramas representing more than 1000 klickies.

The Old Library, Hospital of the Holy Resurrection, Utrera, Spain.

Let's wish from the bottom of our hearts a huge success to this Playmobil Exhibition which carries all the hopes of Javier perez Hidalgo and his Family  :cloud9:

« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 12:53:33 by playmovictorian »
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Wesley Myers

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That's an excellent initiative.  Thank you for bringing it to our attention!

Offline playmovictorian

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Good morning dear Friends  :wave:

In a world often overshadowed by grief, indifference and injustice, a simple picture is sometimes just what we need to smile again and still have hope in the future, human kind and Life in general.

And one of these pictures is the face of a courageous little boy named Javier PĂ©rez Hidalgo from Utrera in Spain who was suffering from a rare disease which called for an unprecedented and very costly operation which his family simply could not afford on her own.

But when the entire community of the town of Utrera together with many local and national associations gathered behind Javier's cause, the miracle did happen  :love:

Thanks to the generosity and relentless work of those involved, more than 10 000 Euros were raised towards the operation and the medical follow up afterwards.

The operation performed by the acclaimed Dr Igor Nazarov was a complete success and young Javier is now on is way towards a brand new life !

From our community, we may all congratulate the association and all involved in the Playmo exhibition which raised the funds towards Javiers operation and now road to recovery!

May God bless Javier and all involved !

Karim :wave:
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline DrDalek6

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Amen to that  :clap: what a great story well done to all those who raised the money to give him back a more normal lfie I wish him and all his family nothing but, the best and much good health 

Offline Birdie

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What a relief, and it's heartwarming to see how that community really stepped up to help.

Offline Rhalius

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Great to hear things are looking up for this boy, I hope he will have a beautifull life ahead of him still.