Author Topic: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)  (Read 12765 times)

Offline Birdie

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Re: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 06:18:22 »
In your estimation, are there possibilities for expansion with an additional guest room and bath set?

I was thinking about it, but an extra room on top of the guest room would come out lower than the upper level of the rest of the house. You'd need higher walls (maybe from the hotel?) for the ground level, to match the height.
If it doesn't need to be level with the rest of the building, then it's a piece of cake. The door would have to be replaced by a solid wall piece, unless you'd create a balcony.

The German DS offers an extension for only €15. It's a small version of the guest room (no door, no bathroom area, no furniture).
Let's wait and see if we can have access to it later on.

I'd like to replace the pink pieces and see what it looks like then.

Offline Raven

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Re: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 07:18:49 »
That's a useful review, because I think this set does look much nicer in 'real life' than in the catalogue photos.  I do like the baseplate with the steps (though it looks like it needs the pool added to cover up that big hole!) and all the shelves in the walls, especially.  That big upstairs window is very nice, too.  And the white stairs.

I'm going to have a look at the building instructions online, to see how adaptable this might be to other building designs.  It's not within my budget right now, but maybe in the future.

For now, though - brown envelopes!  Makes me think of piles of bills to pay - I don't know whether bills still come in brown envelopes anywhere these days (if they come by post at all!), but they came threateningly like that in my youth, when I lived in an apartment in the UK.  If brown envelopes = bills in Germany too, then that is an amusing touch to this house.  Buy a new house, and receive a pile of bills.  Anyway, in my mind they are bills, so even if I can't afford the house, I'm still going to get the house bills on my next Parts order!
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2014, 07:28:48 »
It looks quite nice, though I really do not like that safe since it seems too obvious. There's shelves at each side of it after all and that painting is clearly not against the wall.. anyone would know there is a space behind it.

Offline tahra

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Re: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2014, 07:40:24 »
Thanks for the detailed pics :)

So we meet again, pile of red connectors...  :no:

:lmao: They are sooooo dreadful.

I really like the stairway. It's plain white (so very useful for other buildings too) and the little landing looks good.

That has loads of potential, yes. It's a real shame they didn't do the house all in white, or more peaceful colors, like you suggested.

One thing I don't understand is why this left wall isn't even long enough. That is disappointing.
But there seem to be less holes, and I'm very, very grateful for that  8-)

System X started the no roof thing, now it's no walls too - have you noticed that many "buildings" are only HALF a house, just the front?

As to the holes, there's a downside - less possibilities, I think. Though the gods know they are probably allowing too many of those as is, for me  :-[

What an adorable 'painting'! It sure beats the hotel art  :lol:

So nice, yes, and an interesting addition - the safe, I mean.

The happy owners of this Californian dream home. I can't say I like them (the hair! the pink shoes!).

If you have a problem with HIS hair, you know where to send it ;)  Not a fan of hers, or the shoes. Pink makes it worse. I do like her torso though... Very very nice.

I like the laptop and the flower pots, and the chairs. And there's two more of those glasses clickies can hold in their hands. Yeay!

I really like that table. Actually, I'd like it FOR ME. And the laptop is nice, so is the pile of envelopes :love:  And the Lechuza pots (except the color!)

It looks good, and there's plenty of room for furniture. I'm not too sure about the stairway leading straight into the bathroom. I tried to work around that by using the white and green landing piece (as a sort of wall). It has no use if you add the extention.

The configurations have always been hard to handle, I think...

It cost €99,99 at the Playmobil website, which I think is the standard price for a Playmobil house, thereabout.
It becomes very expensive if you add the guest room and the pool though. And that is with a very limited number of furniture pieces...

Yikes. Expensive indeed... I do like some of the stuff, and if I ever get into System X (and I survive my wallet's rage!), this might be worth getting.. but with all the weird colors needing replacements, would end up being even MORE expensive..  :-\

Thanks again for the detailed pics (though you make me feel like just BUYING it, which is not good!)

Offline sunflower

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Re: 5574 luxury villa (+ guest room extention 5586 and pool 5575)
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2014, 07:54:11 »
Thank you for the review. The house is nice, but it does indeed also looks a bit like an office. Love to see it again when you furnished it.
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