Thanks so much to Sir Gareth for the wonderful sticky on klicky restoration and cleaning. (And also to Tim for making it a sticky.)
Lot's of great information and very thorough.
I do have another question so followed the link to this thread - which resulted in yet another question.
First, what about fixing loose heads which tend to turn way to easily? I'm hoping that the plastic that holds the head can be tightened in a similar manner as described for arms, but am curious if anyone has experience in doing so and has any tips. I have a bunch of klickies, both adults and children, that need help. Some are older but some are quite recent (Egyptians).
Which leads to my second question, in this thread someone mentioned the older plastic inner frames versus the newer ones. Made me wonder if one is better then the other? Obviously the frames for the new mystery figure is different but otherwise does it matter?
Thanks in advance for any input.