Author Topic: Hardest fi?ure to find vs. one you got the most duplicates of?  (Read 3646 times)

Offline PlayMoto

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Re: Hardest fi?ure to find vs. one you got the most duplicates of?
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2014, 11:24:53 »
I'm still looking for the female baker. No sign of her. I wouldn't mind the dwarf as well.

Why don't we start a trading topic? I allready got it for you Ismene ;-) Our local store stil has 2 boxes full of series 2 and 3. Had a feeling session just yesterday hahahaha.

I have 2 uncle Sam's, and 2 Lady Liberty's available for interesed ones. (once you know the number of the bag in that box, it's easy  :love: )