Author Topic: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade  (Read 4370 times)

Offline playmofire

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When I started my Playmobil fire brigade built around the 3880 fire engine I never intended that it should grow as big as it has, but now I've almost finished the customs (or so I tell myself) and hope soon to get down to actually enjoying the finished products with some photo stories and more additions to my website - in other words, playing!

Here's the last of the "workhorse" pumps, a third version of a TLF8, a pump with a built-in water tank and an 800lpm pump, front mounted in  this case.  You can see versions 1 and 2 here:

This third version was to be a simpler design with less custom work and it has ended up so, well, marginally so. 

First, a right three-quarter front view showing the pump, the roof ladder and the lighting mast and, then, a detail of the pump mounting, showing the strong bumper bar to protect the pump itself.  The third photo shows the right locker with the standard equipment of traffic cones and fire extinguisher.  At one time the plan for this new machine was to have a defibrilator and oxygen therapy gear replace the cones, with these being carried on the ladders, but this idea was abandoned in favour of a standard right locker on all pumps and the defibrilator and oxygen therapy gear being carried on the lead (officer's) vehicle which turns out automatically for each alarm.  The rear right view shows the high visibility markings. This and the previous photo also show that, after tests, the approved method for stowing the hose on the hose reel is to have it "under wound" so that the hose is fed out from below the hose reel.  This way, there is less of a tendency for the hose to kink and topple over the firefighter operating it. 
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Offline playmofire

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 22:08:37 »
The equipment stowed in the rear compartment is shown next, first in place and then in detail.  The blue bag contains search lines and other small personal equipment.  Unlike the two earlier versions, this new version doesn't carry a portable pump, it's space being used to stow a chainsaw.

The left locker next, with the grey case containing hand tools and the blue one hose connectors and nozzles.  (The photos of these didn't turn out very well and so I'll retake them and post them later.)

Lastly, a front three-quarter left view.
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Offline playmofire

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 22:22:03 »
A new detail included in the rear locker on  this model, and which will be added to the earlier pumps, is a water gauge for the tank.

Now for the roof gear.  A 14m double extension ladder is carried, together with a roof ladder and, on the left side, a ceiling hook.

Removing the ladders gives access to additional equipment in the form of two cans of foam concentrate, two foam branches and an additional water branch, all carried at the front of the roof stowage area.  In the main roof stowage area three lengths of suction hose are carried for use when, for example, pumping water from a pond or tank, plus forcible entry gear, a spade and brush and large axe.

The last picture is a detail shot of these items.

There's one more picture of the roof gear to post, but I'll post this with the pictures of the small gear and hose equipment carried in the left locker.  Meanwhile, thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
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Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 22:24:53 »
Excellent custom as always Gordon! I really like your front bumper pump manifold! First class all the way!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Little Jo

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2009, 06:18:31 »
Very detailed custom. It's again amazing how you make fit all the small accessories to a right place at the vehicle. The water gauge is really a cool idea.

Offline playmofire

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2009, 19:05:36 »
Thank you Bill and Jochern for your kind comments.  It's always a problem getting all you might need in to a fire engine!  Maybe the new bigger ones will solve the problem.

Here are the last three pictures, and all to do with getting things into the space available.

First, a simple way of keeping things together without glueing them down.  I prefer wherever possible in a photostory to use the parts that are on the fire engine rather than spares, but that means I want to be able to easily get them out of where they are stored on the vehicle, and that isn't always easy.  So the two-way and three-way fort connectors come in here.  The first photo shows how they nicely keep tidy a brush, shovel and large crowbar.  In a later custom, you'll see the two-way connector in use.

Next, the contents of the cases in the left locker of the new style TLF8.  The grey case contains what in the UK fire service is called small gear - hand tools basically.  In the second photo you see these spread out - tools to cut, to loosen, to tighten and to bang!  Amongst them is a spare hydrant key just in case the one in the "water gear" box gets lost or stolen.

The third picture shows the tools carried for use with water supply - the silver hose couplers for suction and delivery hose (plus some spares - maximum number needed plus two spares), straight and bent hose connectors, a jet/spray branch and a hydrant key.

That rounds things up on this particular custom.  Thank you for looking and hope you find some ideas you can use in your customs, whether of fire and rescue or not.
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Offline Gepetto

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2009, 15:52:22 »
As always Gordon your work is first rate! Like Little Jo I am always amazed how you can fit all that equipment into those vehicles, amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2009, 16:04:48 »
Just beautiful  :clap:!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline baden-wurttemberg

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2009, 21:19:50 »
Thats awesome!!!!!!!!!!!  :o  :wow:  :wow:  :wow:
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Offline playmofire

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Re: New TLF8 fire engine for Copt Hewick Volunteer Fire Brigade
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2009, 21:42:22 »
Thats awesome!!!!!!!!!!!  :o  :wow:  :wow:  :wow:

Thank you Gepetto, Bill and Baden. 
“Today well-lived makes every yesterday a day of happiness to remember and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”