If it was a one time thing fine but the same problem happened with the Romans. Now you can not tell me that producing an arm that has 2 to 3 colors of plastic in a more intricate mold cost the same as a mold that is in great supply (the same are used on 10,000 other klickies) that just needs a simple stamp. The arm with the fancy rolled up 3 dimensional sleeve is a newer mold and I am sure Malta does not have many of them to keep up on demand, sure but that is not my problem and to substitute it for an arm that is an imitation sleeve is not acceptable to me. Get your act together and supply what you advertise. I do not go for advertising similar to how fast food chains have beautiful looking food on the add and when you get your order it looks like someone sat on an old thing they fished out of the garbage. Take it back and give me what you show. If Geobra would facilitate a policy where a collector could turn in the printed arms after the rush season and would give the proper arms, fine, I could live with.