Yes, those are my normal sized orders, I am always after free shipping on $150 and up
They have taken them but I have not placed an order recently, too busy to check what I want and need and then adding it to the list.
The parts system you speak of is something Indianna and I have been beating our heads against the wall for quite some time, care to join us? bring plenty of aspirin, its going to hurt.
It would require Geobra to accurately inventory the warehouse parts tubs. Then they would have to change the attitude of it being a service that was offered for the occasional missing part to one that is a part of the business plan. An adjustment they do not seem fond of.
Lego is a construction toy and they need to keep the builders happy with plenty of access to parts.
Playmobil is a play toy and not in the parts business
I feel we are lucky that they even give us what they do at this point, as far as collectors orders go that is. I mean Geobra US get parts something like twice a year. They do the inventory, place the order with Germany, have it sent out, stock the bins, a collector with a dio bug calls and cleans out a lot of items, and then for the next six months you have parents calling in to say "our set xxxx was missing so and so" "what, you do not have it? what kind of company are you? You send my little precious kiddo a set and its missing a cuff and you cant send it to me now? I am going to return it then" click..........