Author Topic: Border skirmish!  (Read 7396 times)

Offline Lynx

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Re: Border skirmish!
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2012, 09:21:06 »
Yes! Go on, I want to know what's next....
RANDOLPH, a comic with Playmobil! Click for part: [1] [2] [3]

Offline Redmao

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Re: Border skirmish!
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2012, 14:35:49 »
Fantastic story and great action.
Can't wait to see what will happen next.

Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Border skirmish!
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2012, 21:35:13 »
Sorry about the wait, here comes the next bit... :munch:

"Let them pass." king Phillip told the guard. The two crusaders approached king Phillip and bowed before him, the tips of their swords digging into the dirt.

"Sire, we must speak to you in private. We an important matter to discuss." said Richard and Edward, the crusaders.
The king frowned. "Very well then." he said, motioning for his other guests to leave. "What must you tell me?" asked the king.

The two crusaders swallowed nervously before talking. Edward began. "The outpost we were stationed at, along the border, was attacked by Vikings. We fought them, but they had superior numbers. Soon, only me, Richard, Lord Hadrian, a captain and two other soldiers remained."
"What did you do?" asked the king.
Richard and Edward exchanged looks of shame. "The Viking leaders gave us a choice, either we hand over Lord Hadrian and live, or fight to the death."
"I presume you fought to the death?" said the king.
Edward paused. "No, sire. We surrendered." He couldn't bring himself to look at the king. "We didn't have a choice."
"Of course you did have a choice!!!" the king exploded. "Where is the honour in surrendering?!"
The two crusaders didn't say a word.
The king collected himself. "I cannot provide any men for a rescue mission, yet Lord Hadrian must be rescued..." the king's mouth spread into a cruel grin. "Since you two are of no use to me right now, you two will retrieve Lord Hadrian from the Vikings!"
"But, sire..." the two crusaders were shocked.

To be continued...

PlaymoMan :knight:
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