I recently received a green tractor from a lot and it was missing a scoop, we call them buckets here. I did not worry about it as I knew one day I would come across one. Sure enough the next lot had a yellow one and the loading arms were all chewed up. I put the bucket on the tractor and realized how odd it looked. The bucket is about half the width of the tractor. This is really weird and you would only find this in real life on really old tractors that never came with loaders. Farmers would order after market tractor loaders and fit them on. When you are using a real tractors loader you need the bucket to be as wide if not wider than the front wheels. As you dig into your pile the bucket removes material that would be in the way of the front wheels so you could continue into the pile. The playmbil version would only remove material in front of the engine and the wheels would start riding up the pile as you dug.
My question is ..Did playmobil ever make a wide bucket, wider or as wide as the tractor itself?