Ok I manage to dig the crane out and take a few pics to answer your question, Gordon.

Both the jib and the platform can be lowered and raised: what you have is actually two different pieces of string, one, being tied at the top of the jib and finding its way at the handcrank...

...that allows for the jib to be lowered and raised by turning the handcrank

You can either pass that rope throught the top reel of the crane and then tie it to the handcrank, or tie it straight to the handcrank. I found the second one easier for raising and lowering the jib.
Second rope is tied at the other side of the crane...

...tying one end of the string at that little tying spot under the top jib reel, passing it though the top jib reel and all the way along the jib, and then through the other tying spot at the bottom of the jib, and straight to the crane base for tying the end of the string at the holding point:

That allows lowering and raising the platfor movement!
I hope this instructions and pics help, but if you need more pics of the strings and ties don't hesitate to ask, my friend