I want to also see what is going on in your castles main quarters. You look like your back is against the wall and the room lighting is not able to penetrate at that angle. Would, could you light it up so we all could see the details inside ?
I have watched this video a few times and I am still in aww
Thank you sir
The plan is to put 4 strong and proper lights in that room at four corners , there is a fair amout of detail in all of the 12 steck house sized rooms in the back plus the roof ( where all the gold and treasures and ancestors's ghosts of iseroth are ...
) , next time hopefully i will have set more things such as the vikings and gauls plus some black lion guards still have about 150-200 to set !!!! ( hanging from the roofs probably
) and take more pictures of some additions / new stuff ...
I regret i didnt use open frames for the basement too where the storage areas are. perhaps thats an improvement i should consider , could put some nice stuff there , eg lots of wine barrels and food rather than have it outside for display as now ( and create more space for black lion guards ....)
There aresome pictures of these royal quarters rooms in my medieval collection thread including some recent ones