Erwin, these are some really good ideas!!
of your ''evil museum knight''
I never thought of the brown colour, I have a couple of arm pairs left from my Bridgeburners, I'll experiment a bit... although I'd hate to go looking for more brown arms... not very easy to come by
The black arms are also a good idea... However I remember trying them but they did not look right...Again not easy to come buy... I may have a few, I'll do some digging... as for the temple guardian klicky, far too expensive to get from DS only for his arms...
For the time being, and after a lot of experimentation, I ended up with the following three patterns...
Anthracite works very well for torso and arms, and allows for more klickies to be build out of the bronze parts!!! Only trouble is, anthracite arms are also hard to come by
Gold is not too bad either...
I have two more designs on my mind but not enough parts to start building them... Everything I had went into building troops based on the three above designs...