A word of warning to anyone ordering more than one of an item - check your order first - don't be like me and leave the quantity blank!

I wanted 11 steck chimneys but was rushing to put my order in before the end of the afternoon and was distracted by someone calling.
I emailed the order and excitedly awaited the arrival of chimneys for each of my steck houses but when it arrived there was only one

On checking my original order I found I'd left the quantity blank.
As they were only 50p each and I'd ordered a number of other things that I didn't know the price of I hadn't realised that they hadn't been included.

I tried to order some for Hogsmeade last summer but put the wrong part number and got something else instead!
Do you think someones trying to tell me that I'm not supposed to have them?

It's so frustrating because I can't do anything about it now before Knaresborough!