I got round to setting up the Fort Randall pieces. It turns out the set is nearly complete! Only the tower has a few parts missing, and the bar used to close the gates is gone. Much better than I had hoped for!
And this is the result of Wesley Myers advice!
Too bad I am not much of a craftsman, to make a new top cloth for it
You're very welcome. Glad I could be of some help to someone.
Get a popsicle stick for the front gate brace and cut the ends off it to make it more square (then just round those over a bit so it's not too sharp). That will work for the gates.
For the market stall/stand you have both shelves facing the same way - one (upper) should be towards the back and the other (lower) towards the front.
Ebay the top OR try DS (you never know!) OR just get some cloth, cut it to the right size and use the small point on the little scissor to make a tiny hole for each 'knob' and voila, custom top! Trim to size after. (The original one is actually made of vinyl, by the way, you could try that or some upholstery naugahyde.)