Creative => Story-Telling => Topic started by: Tiermann on December 20, 2010, 14:46:45
This story will be done in sections over the next week. Once you see a To Be Continued feel free to post in this thread. I will take up the story again here with each segment.
( (
Uh Oh :o! It looks like they should have closed that door :(!
Can it be? :o Santa is a robot??? :'(
Great story so far Tim!! Very ingenious !! I wonder what happens next...
Great story Tiermann! I can't wait to see where this goes. Mechanical Santas sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. "They Can't Be Stopped!!"
:xmascheer: :xmascheer: ;D
aaaack! i can't stand the suspense!
i have been waiting for your christmas story tim, thanks for all of the time i suspect you have put into it.
Thanks for the comments. I haven't had as much time as I would like this year. There are some surprises coming up though.
I want to point out that Simral and Willy are both customs. Green shirt elves all have brown hair and orange elves have black. I swapped heads to make them unique characters for the story (and so I wouldn't get them mixed up with all the other elves)
The plan is a new segment each morning (my time) through Christmas Eve.
GREAT!!! I loved the elves conversation :lol: :lol: :lol:
True!!! But I am more curious to see what the Santa-bot will that that it/he is alone ;D
Great story Tiermann!! If I would be any closer to the edge of my seat I would fall off :-)
Very suspenseful! Why do I think he forgot to turn that santa-bot off....
Wow awesome story Tim! I love it! :love: I just can't wait! Will he find Santa? What will happen if he doesn't? Can't wait! :)
Great job with the story so far!
Baden <*)
Cool!! A renegade Santa!! this is awesome Tim!!! ;D
Great story and photos, Tim. I'm holding my breath for the next part!
Excellent scenery pictures :wow:! The snow with the Playmobil winter pieces make it look real! Well done :)9! I'm looking forward to the next installment :yup:! BTW, really like the Star Wars interrogation :lol:!
The Star Wars part was really funny! :lol:
How did you made the snow BTW? ;D
Fantastic Tim!! Really great!!! I loved the Star Wars bit too!!! :lol: :lol:
I like the star wars part, too. I also think it's so funny for him to see so many people out there in the snow drifts at the north pole! :lol:
I was breezing through, kinda reading what they were saying my family was sitting around me...
And suddenly I burst out laughing! :lol:
Your Star Wars reference was excellent Tierman! :lol: :lol: :lol:
And you got it just right, in the perfect spot. ;D
Great Job. :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like the rest of it too... :-[ ;)
I was breezing through, kinda reading what they were saying my family was sitting around me...
And suddenly I burst out laughing! :lol:
Makes you feel silly, huh? My mom is always asking me what I'm laughing about when I'm on the forum, and usually I didn't even realize I was smiling. :)
Thanks guys :D I'm normally a bit of a purist in stories and only use Playmo parts. Once I thought of it though there was no way I could resist throwing in the Star Wars bit. It was such a perfect fit.
There will be a Making Of thread with various points on the weekend after the story finishes up.
:high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5: :high5:
tim, this story is so much fun. i love the snow queen and her kingdom. simple but so effective. i just checked on my santa collection in my living room, all seems to be ok there, he must be somewhere else.
The snow queen and her palace are fantastic!
Five gold stars! :rudy:
Awesome Tierman! :clap:
That was great! ;D :wow: :wow:
Brilliant Tim!!! Many many thanks for this wonderfull story!!
Lovely story!!!!!
I recently got 3 santas that I didn't order.....mmm I should take another look at them.... ;D
:lol: Gaston has the missing santabot!
I would never imagine the North Pole to be such a warm (and populated) neighbourhood! ... I loved the ambience! :rudy:
Great Tim!!!
Lovely pics !!
I love the Great story!!!!
Emily :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Bravo :clap:! Excellent new story edition, Tim :wow:! It keeps getting better & better :)9!
Bravo :clap:! Excellent new story edition, Tim :wow:! It keeps getting better & better :)9!
It is true Tim!!!!
It gets better and better!!!
Emily :D :D :D
Wonderful story Tim :clap: :wow: :hatoff: :wow: :clap:
I loved your ice palace and the scenery with the snow and hills was great.
I've been so busy lately that I've only just had time to read it through, but it was well worth the wait! Thank you for all your hard work.
Elaine (
Great story, Tim! <*)
When I saw that part of the door open, and the Santa-bot gone, I thought "wow! a Santerminator! :o " .. :lol:
& I also have to raise clapping hands to the Star Wars allusion :clap: .. Love it :love: and the last time someone did it all right was in the movie Reign of Fire! :yup:
<*) :rudy:
Sorry for only coming to this so late Tim, I always save up on photo Stories so I can read them carefully and it's the thing I most enjoy.
And what a beauty this is...The details and story line are great and your custom Ice Palace is a thing of beauty. In general I was very happy to get such a great look at your collection and boy does it run deep :-)
Superb story, Tim, in every way. Thank you very much for it.
:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:
Will it be continued?
I believe so, but then I never have finished the last Gardening with Sven:Jungle Edition episode so there's no telling what the future may bring. Certainly Simral will be back for next Christmas season, so I suppose that means I will have to have some sort of resolution.
what??? :o we have to wait till Xmas??? :'( :'( :'(
Well...the resolution goes in my letter to Santa then.....
I love it and the bear really seems to be made of chocolate :love:
Karim :)