
General => Report & Review => Topic started by: Giorginetto on November 02, 2010, 11:39:24

Title: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Giorginetto on November 02, 2010, 11:39:24
I was thinking about specials as I was eating a heavily loaded peanut butter sandwitch with jam at my office just a while ago . There are so many specials i really like but my all time favourite has to be the 4501 Sherlock

which is also the very first Special. I actually have him in my car as a lucky charm , also because my car has green leather interior so coloursise he fits in perfectly !!!!!

I love this special klicky, so whats your favourite ??  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Bolingbroke on November 02, 2010, 11:55:22
4521 arab warrior
4542 ruffian
4622 south
4693 SWAT copper

Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: socrates on November 02, 2010, 12:10:31
Well, the most extraordinary I think was the 4577 Royal Guard (
But the special I liked the most is definitely the 4581 Pirate with Skull (
This pirate also reocccured in an easter egg and is just magnificent!  :love:


Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: WarriorOfToys on November 02, 2010, 13:33:43
Is the Forest Ghost a special? ???
If not, then definitely the "King's Knight" or Templar special (,r:3,s:0). ;D
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Richard on November 02, 2010, 14:00:17

There are so many specials i really like but my all time favourite has to be the 4501 Sherlock. 

This is very interesting, Giorginetto! I first saw the notice of your new topic in my list of new email messages. It said, "What is your favourite special of all time (with picture please !!!)"

I wanted to be really sure of my favorite, so I went to Axel's "Collector" and looked at them all. And, before I saw that you had posted your favorite, I had already selected 4501 The Victorian Detective (Sherlock Holmes)!

I was thinking about specials as I was eating a heavily loaded peanut butter sandwich with jam at my office just a while ago.

But, it didn't end there ... I thought that I would post my favorite before I went to the kitchen to make a peanut butter sandwich !!!  That's scary ...  8}

Great topic. Thanks for starting it,
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Giorginetto on November 02, 2010, 14:57:12
But, it didn't end there ... I thought that I would post my favorite before I went to the kitchen to make a peanut butter sandwich !!!  That's scary ...  8}

Indeed  :lol: :lol: :lol: ...  Might be some very interesting association  between peanut butter and Sherlock perhaps that is worht to analyse ... Or simply as they say , 'Great minds think alike'  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 02, 2010, 15:10:48
I wanted to look through all the specials before I answered, and then link pictures, but playmodb seems to be down.  :( is anyone else having this problem?

Never mind, i just tryed and they said its everyone.
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: WarriorOfToys on November 02, 2010, 15:20:41
I wanted to look through all the specials before I answered, and then link pictures, but playmodb seems to be down.  :( is anyone else having this problem?

Never mind, i just tryed and they said its everyone.

That is weird...
I just checked that site, and it said it was down for everyone,
But then I clicked the link and it was working fine for me... ???
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 02, 2010, 15:23:00
hmmm. That's strange  :hmm:

yay! I finally got on!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Richard on November 02, 2010, 15:24:46

I wanted to look through all the specials before I answered, and then link pictures, but playmodb seems to be down.

Bonnie, all the specials (up to 4638) are HERE ( at Collectobil!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Wolf Knight on November 02, 2010, 15:26:44
I love the 4583 - Sentry ( most of all specials!!!

Although its supposed to be a special, I have almost 200 of them!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: tonguello on November 02, 2010, 15:31:03
Well......I can't name just one  :-[ ..... so here are 3 favorites...!  0)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: tonguello on November 02, 2010, 15:33:05
Well, the most extraordinary I think was the 4577 Royal Guard ( oooooh yes, this one is great! I don't have it!  :hissyfit: :hissyfit:
But the special I liked the most is definitely the 4581 Pirate with Skull (
This pirate also reocccured in an easter egg and is just magnificent!  :love:


Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Gustavo on November 02, 2010, 15:35:46
However it isn't a theme I collect, I love the chimney sweep,
this one reminds me of my childhood, and it's much what I'd like playmobil to do:
not only new stuff, but relaunch old stuff with new looks.

4617, 2003

3316, 1979
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 02, 2010, 15:36:59
Thanks, Richard!  :wave: :wave:

Well, I think my favorite of all time is 4649, Dad with barbecue.
I know that probably seems really boring to most people, but my husband just lives to barbecue (I even gave him grilling tools for our last anniversary), and he has a charcoal grill just like this one.

My other favorites are:
4527 Mongolian Archer
4564 Tribesman
4577 Royal Guard
4582 Robin Hood
4591 Queen
4685 Masai Warrior and
4697 mom with jogger

I couldn't narrow it down any more than that; I love specials!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Gustavo on November 02, 2010, 15:57:10
Funny thing, the one in the Playmobil official site has different colours than the one in (attached), which are the colours that I remember (blond guy, red neck ..thing).

Paying attention to the picture, it seems to be exactly the same picture, and, by the details. its original colour must have been that of the Playmobil site, for it looks more likely to have been painted in the blond version ... (Probably they were sold both versions, back then, for some reason. Or maybe the colour was changed after the picture taken, for any (market) reason(s)? ...)

Crazy! 8}


Ps. By the way ... Shouldn't this topic be in the Collector's Corner? ... :hmm: ::) .. :wave:
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Richard on November 02, 2010, 16:13:11

I love the 4583 - Sentry ( most of all specials!!!

Although its supposed to be a special, I have almost 200 of them!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

4583 is a great Special, Panos !!!

Have you ever seen Guillermobil (;u=249)'s animated avatar of his custom of this Special over at Playclicks? (see attachments)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Wolf Knight on November 02, 2010, 17:38:17
@ Gustavo: I just got this 4617 special and its really great!! He reminds me of Bert from Mary Poppins!!!

@Bonnie: I like that barbeque dad myself Bonnie!! I used him as a mascot at my birthday barbeque last summer!!! (now why didn't I take pictures of that?.... :hmm:

@ Richard!!! he really is great... Especially in large numbers....

( (

Lovely Avatar!!! And very funny too!!! I wander what scared the lion away  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: tonguello on November 02, 2010, 18:05:24
@ Gustavo: I just got this 4617 special and its really great!! He reminds me of Bert from Mary Poppins!!!

@Bonnie: I like that barbeque dad myself Bonnie!! I used him as a mascot at my birthday barbeque last summer!!! (now why didn't I take pictures of that?.... :hmm:

@ Richard!!! he really is great... Especially in large numbers....

( (

Lovely Avatar!!! And very funny too!!! I wander what scared the lion away  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Which one has my helmet?  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't believe you have so many!!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Wolf Knight on November 02, 2010, 18:30:38
Which one has my helmet?  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't believe you have so many!!

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I think that will be the fourth klicky from the third row on the left  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
A few more are on their way.... ;)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Clong on November 02, 2010, 18:43:04
my favourite is
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Gustavo on November 02, 2010, 20:35:53
@ Gustavo: I just got this 4617 special and its really great!! He reminds me of Bert from Mary Poppins!!!

Funny thing, this is something I've never read or watched :-[
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Heronimus on November 03, 2010, 01:26:02
I love to see all your replies.

Too bad I am too late to come into playmobil collecting. I want 4501 so bad.....he looks really cool!!! But the design of his hat, which I have never touched, looks kind of brittle. Correct me if I am too wrong
My favourite would be
4530 the witch<-------------Love the colour scheme. My fav sneaker is black and red too
4577 Royal guard<-------------happens to be black and red AGAIN, I love his hat and this is a dream item
4595 Palace Guard<-----------Very cool special, love his skin tone and the light blue clothes
4611 Royal Guard<------------very cheerful a guard!!! Thanks god it got reissued
4659 Roman Fighter<-------------my first special since I collect playmobil as an adult

I think my list is quite expected, and many of them are well sought after on EBAY. And I dont own most of them. But thanks some of the members here, I am able to get some discontinued. Thanks again~~!!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: playmo1989 on November 04, 2010, 17:44:30
hmmm.... it's difficult to choose but my best is the  red fancy cowboy with the mirror
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Giorginetto on November 04, 2010, 18:19:27
hmmm.... it's difficult to choose but my best is the  red fancy cowboy with the mirror

That is indeed a gret looking klivky and amonst my top 5 .... :)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Tiermann on November 04, 2010, 23:56:13
That's really tough. It might be different on a different day but for today I would say the 4615 Shepherd  (
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: grangel on November 05, 2010, 16:18:44
I do not have this one but i think that is my favorite The funny thing is that i have never tried to collect it until now.
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: grangel on November 05, 2010, 16:23:44
And if my favorite comes from the number of times i have purchased it.The favorite will be
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Giorginetto on November 05, 2010, 17:24:53
And if my favorite comes from the number of times i have purchased it.The favorite will be

 :o :o :o :o :o :o

Not  a dragon Knight grangel ????? I am shocked !!!!  :o :o ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Justindo on November 14, 2010, 21:30:54
I like many of the Specials, but my favorite has to be the Detective or Sherlock Holmes.

Panos, you really have a lot of medieval klickies! :o
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Sylvia on November 14, 2010, 22:14:04

I don't think I can pick just one which I like better than all of the others, but this set has a special place in my heart because it's one of the few with a Victorian theme and also because I used it for my first avatar at playmoboard. :)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: flatcat on November 14, 2010, 22:21:45
I don't think I can pick just one which I like better than all of the others, but this set has a special place in my heart because it's one of the few with a Victorian theme and also because I used it for my first avatar at playmoboard. :)

WOW I have never seen that on before! :eh?:

She looks great! :love:

I still haven't decided on my favourite one yet ???

Damo :)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 14, 2010, 23:08:41
That is a beautiful one, sylvia! I don't think I've ever seen it before either. Are those gold shoes?
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Sylvia on November 14, 2010, 23:13:36

That is a beautiful one, sylvia! I don't think I've ever seen it before either. Are those gold shoes?

Yep! Gold high-heeled shoes. Very posh. ;)

She was referred to as the "Victorian Countess" in most of the catalogues. :)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Richard on November 15, 2010, 00:22:06

She was referred to as the "Victorian Countess" in most of the catalogues. :)

Here's a bigger picture of the "Victorian Countess"!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Wolf Knight on November 15, 2010, 06:02:12
Great special indeed!!

She is enjoying the company of all the other princess and female klickies on my special's shelve...
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: Giorginetto on November 17, 2010, 13:00:47
Lovely special indeed , goes nicely with my favourite Sherlock Holmes !!!!!
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: playmo1989 on November 17, 2010, 13:06:50
i don't really like her  :-\   there in the box picture looks gorgeous but after buying it, it didn't impressed me so much i don't know why  ??? and i have acouple of them ....
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: el jefe on November 17, 2010, 21:02:19
AH... the good ol Countess.  I've tried on more than one occasion to bring her home off of ebay with no luck.   :'(

Personally I really like this guy: 


There are several that I really like that I can't ever seem to get my hands on, such as; 4507 Thief, 4508 Sax Player, 4524 Executioner, and 4544 Bandit. 
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 17, 2010, 21:15:47
What is that second one? An indian scout for the US cavalry? Or a native american who killed a soldier and took his coat!?  :lol:
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: tonguello on November 17, 2010, 21:39:34
What is that second one? An indian scout for the US cavalry? Or a native american who killed a soldier and took his coat!?  :lol:
I've heard they call him "the rebel". so I guess it would be the first choice.  :)
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: el jefe on November 18, 2010, 00:38:00
He's a scout for the US cavalry and I just got him in a big mixed western lot and I'm digging him alot.  But the "killed a soldier and took his coat" storyline isn't too bad either!  ;D
Title: Re: What is your favourite special of all time ( with picture please !!!)
Post by: bonniebeth on November 18, 2010, 00:42:14
Heehee.  :giggle:

I spent too much time around my brother who has a very active imagination!