Getting Started => Technical Support/Testing => Topic started by: flatcat on January 12, 2010, 16:38:03
Sorry to be a pain, and I don't know whether it is just me or what but my undecided smiley (from the pop up window) doesn't seem to be working - all the others seem to work alright ???
Hi FlatCat :wave:
:Undecided: No its not just you ???
Hi FlatCat :wave:
:Undecided: No its not just you ???
I've been having problems the last two days with smileys :hmm:! Their operative nature is intermittent!
:) ;) :D :lol: ;D 8} >:( :( :'( 8-) :-[ :o ??? ::) :P :hmm: >:D 0) :love: :wow: :wave:
:brownhair: :blackhair: :sadklicky: :klickywink: :klickygrin: :redhair: :Undecided: :yup: :(o): :help: :shhhh: :clap: :)9 :prays:
:lens: :inlove: :heart: :yippee: :camera: :hissyfit: :evilplan: :eh?: :cloud9: :omg: ^-^ :toot: :-X
:hehe: :-* :cham: :*) :**: <:> :zz: :!: :no: :0 :whip:
:doh: :pop: :woohoo: :gift: :confetti: :bdaycake: :cheerlead:
<:D :munch: :egypt: :arrr: :rainbow: :bunny: O0 P) :2c: :crossed:
They all but the one mentioned seem to be working
How odd. I temporarily moved that smiley to the Pop-Up section at Christmas to make room for seasonal smilies on the reply page.
The image remained on the server in exactly the same place as before but the BB code for it got changed, and this must be what made it stop working.
It went from :-\
to :Undecided:
and I have no idea why. It's a mystery to me. :eh?:
Anyway, I've put it back in between the raised eyebrow and devil smiley, and uploaded a fresh image. It appears to be working again now.
Thanks Sylvia :wow:
It works now - or does it :-\ ? :D