
General => News => Topic started by: tahra on January 28, 2025, 07:55:46

Title: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: tahra on January 28, 2025, 07:55:46
Klickywelt posted the novelties... (I think you need to be logged in to see pics):


But with the press kit out, amClicks has them, in the usually nicely organized manner:

Then there is the new "Sky Trails" :


Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: surfergirl on January 28, 2025, 09:39:46
I’m speechless.

I’ll buy the Specials and Mystery Figures to maintain my complete collections, but what on earth were they thinking with those mini cars? I am their exact target market; an adult collector who loves cars, and I think they are a massive missed opportunity. Why pay all the money for the license, and not produce scale versions?

As for the rest….meh.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Macruran on January 28, 2025, 11:34:28
A new Mountie!
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Rhalius on January 28, 2025, 15:26:42
Those cars are indeed awful, not that the rest is much either. Not a single interesting thing there. Yet another western stagecoach, only in the worst colours I have seen it in yet so far.

It's like they just keep digging themselves a bigger hole and don't seem to get they need to change course with sales being poorly for a while now.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Oliver on January 28, 2025, 15:59:20
The mini cars are....a choice.

Love the hot-air balloon. I like the whole beach theme. Animals are always a winner with kids.

The Stagecoach looks OK to me - the yellow is maybe a bit strident. Personally I'd rather see a return of the bank-coach (for selfish reasons, since I lost mine in a house move once  :lol:).

I'm oddly drawn to the bird-man superhero. He has the air of an ancient god about him.

Sky Trails I would really treat as a new toy that will sit under the banner. Based on watching kids play a lot, I think they will love it. Parents, maybe not so much  :lol: But it being under 'Playmobil' is really a branding decision.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Rasputin on January 28, 2025, 16:46:14

I’m surprised, they certainly could have squeezed more pinks, purples and pastels into the new releases somewhere.

Also there is a bit too much realism in the lineup. These need way more fantasy elements to get as far away from the original Playmobil brand principals as possible.

The Meme of the new AI program is making more sense across the board

( (

I do look forward to the surprise bags, just wish it wasn’t a mystery so I could get many multiples of certain Klickies
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: PlaymoMan on January 28, 2025, 21:36:10
A little mystified as to where the brand goes from here. Honestly I'm not sure if I've ever been this uninspired by a batch of new releases. The mini cars are truly dreadful. The superheroes line is generally unimpressive. Sky Trails is vaguely intriguing but overall it seems awfully bare bones. It's difficult to see how it could be sustainably positioned as a flagship theme ("the most exciting play innovation of the year" according to the press release?)

Very little innovation happening in "legacy" product lines as well, like police and pirates, which have been pretty drastically reduced in scope. It's unfortunate to see. The Asterix theme looks good, and there are few other interesting items scattered throughout, but broadly I am underwhelmed and a little (maybe more than a little) concerned about Playmobil's trajectory.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Macruran on January 29, 2025, 03:45:38
I'm oddly drawn to the bird-man superhero. He has the air of an ancient god about him.

I think that's a lady :giggle:
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Oliver on January 29, 2025, 12:32:04
I think that's a lady

You're correct! Well I still like her
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: klickyklack on February 04, 2025, 12:22:08
Well, some of them are going to have to jump in my cart when they come out, but overall it's all a bit underwho.

Liking the look of
71879: Día de los Muertos
71834: Winged Superhero
71838: Fairy Home with Golden Unicorn
& 71843: Fairy with Unicorn 'Lucky Lavender

But wish the fairies had the regular style faces
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Birdie on February 06, 2025, 09:53:25
But wish the fairies had the regular style faces


I hate the idea that the clickies from previous decades won't match the newer ones. This is supposed to be one universe.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 14, 2025, 20:12:44
I like the looks of the water slide junior aqua set. I like that the young lad has a different hair style from every other junior boy. I have to see what the other aqua set does before I can judge, as it's kind of hard to understand from the picture. I do like the seahorse though, even though it would never float the way it does in the photo. I'll probably buy both of them since I like the aqua sets.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Redmao on February 15, 2025, 15:39:38
I'm happy to see the repaint of the Top Agents' spy car. That's a nice toy.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Klickteryx on February 16, 2025, 05:53:31
I see there are a couple of covered up car releases. One has a mini logo on it and the height of the cover suggests it might be Mr Bean's mini with chair on top. The other is an American car and looks like a 70s era corvette.


Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Birdie on February 16, 2025, 08:18:06
Oh wow those are really nice  :love:
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Oliver on February 16, 2025, 12:50:05
Didn't they tease those cars last year too?
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: minuteye on February 16, 2025, 16:58:54
One has a mini logo on it and the height of the cover suggests it might be Mr Bean's mini with chair on top.

I would previously have said that nothing could make me excited for a branded car release... but Bean? That would be worth getting excited for.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Rhalius on February 16, 2025, 22:00:39
Is there any news on new releases exclusive for the website? These days pretty much anything worthwhile seems to be the reissued stuff they have up there instead of what ends up in stores.

Steck houses and the prison tower, the victorian mansion and it's rooms, the western buildings... Best thing they can do at this point is expand on that further. It must be selling well otherwise they would not keep it up in the store for sometimes a decade already or longer.

A piece of Steck wall with a corner piece would be perfect, they had it way earlier in DS. Seems we can't order the regular wall pieces after all and while the prison tower is a good set to get more than one of, it will leave you needing more battlements, wall pieces and the small platforms to truly build a castle of whatever size you want with it.

Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Klickteryx on February 17, 2025, 02:50:58
I would previously have said that nothing could make me excited for a branded car release... but Bean? That would be worth getting excited for.
The catalogue picture appears to be from 2022, when did the mini come out? At least with the mini being an actual product it seems likely the Mr Bean one will come out sooner rather than later as there are no new moulds needed. It's an easy addition.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Oliver on February 17, 2025, 14:18:32
Is there any news on new releases exclusive for the website? These days pretty much anything worthwhile seems to be the reissued stuff they have up there instead of what ends up in stores.

I think they normally update the 'Playmobil Plus' in May/June time. It's hard to predict what they'll come out with - from memory there was a big expansion in 2021 of the 'collector' ranges, but quieter since then. There's a lot of smaller sets I'd like them to re-issue, for either Victorian or Knights theme.

Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Tiermann on February 18, 2025, 01:33:27
A really good YouTube video of the ToyFair booth with up close imaging of the new sets for the second half of the year. This was posted at AmClicks, video by Familie Hund (
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Klickteryx on February 18, 2025, 04:09:36
The sky rails looks a lot more interesting with the video. Is this really playmobil or another toy which playmobil figures can be attached to?
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Rasputin on February 18, 2025, 14:21:23
At 5:07, is that buy chicken or fish sticks get Playmobil ?

The bakery at 5:44 is beautiful and makes the bakery at 6:30 look ridiculous

What is that plant at 7:54

Thanks for the link Tim , great look at the new stuff
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Tiermann on February 18, 2025, 18:34:04
Yeah the fish sticks promo has been going a few years now in different iterations in Europe. 

They generally do a great job on bakeries. The one at 544 is the Miraculous licensed theme one. Some nice parts there. The second one is an Advent Calendar so will be more hit and miss. I actually am happy to see them mix the horses with a bakery since I can use parts from both themes for my collection.

The plant isn't Playmobil,  that's a composite diorama from the video maker for their avatar.

Considering the fact that they are still in the mode of smaller sets with abundant reuse of molds, there are a surprising number of new animals this year. Animal and vehicle themes must be their top sellers since there seems to be a lot of focus on those still.
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Rasputin on February 19, 2025, 03:31:33
Makes more sense now, thanks again Tiermann
Title: Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
Post by: Klickteryx on March 10, 2025, 13:41:25
Saw a picture of the mini-cars from the front. These might be useful for people with a lack of space. They can be put in a display case too shallow for a full length vehicle as they're not too bad seen from the front.