
General => Collector's Corner => Topic started by: NovaBombardment on September 05, 2024, 19:49:47

Title: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 05, 2024, 19:49:47
Hello! This is a thread where I'll showcase new sets whenever I buy them. I had a set arrive last night, so I thought it would be a good starting point. The first set for the thread is the 1.2.3 "Push & Go" car.


The car is surprisingly heavy, and it has some sort of mechanism inside to keep the car's speed in check. A light shove will send it a little farther than you'd expect, but the back wheels have harsh traction that prevents it from sailing too fast. It's surprisingly noisy when you shove it around due to the parts inside of it.

Overall a nice toy that's really simplistic, but lovely. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: playmovictorian on September 06, 2024, 06:59:53
This is a cute set  :love:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on September 06, 2024, 07:00:29
Looks nice! I am looking forward to seeing more Playmobil Junior (formerly known as 1-2-3) reviews from you. They are seldom mentioned on here, with the exception of JLMatterer's pictures, so it's good to see the spotlight on them. Keep up the good  work!
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 06, 2024, 21:36:15
Thank you for the kind words! I'm having fun with this, though I kept it pretty brief for the first post. I wasn't sure how well this would go over since it seems like new threads are infrequent here, so I was a tad nervous launching a thread so shortly after I started posting.  :-[

I go through phases with Playmobil where I'll buy a whole bunch at once, and then not buy any for months. This thread will be pretty active in the next week or two, but will slow down once all of my orders arrive.

Speaking of the thread being active, my Toys R Us order arrived this morning! I wasn't expecting anything to show up until next week, but I guess I got lucky! These are the Children's Carousel, and Rocking Snail sets.


It's worth noting that due to American and Canadian English, the "Children's Carousel" is sometimes listed as the "Number Merry-Go-Round"

The young boy is encouraged by an onlooking parent to help the girls get the carousel moving.

The carousel itself is not too large, not too small, but just right. It seats four, and the klickies are very secure in their seats as it spins. The seats can be spun 360 degrees as well, allowing for klickies to face their best friends. The carousel's base has the numbers one-eight on it, all creatively stylized in the design of various animals and insects. (You can see the worm shaped like a seven in the photo above.)

You get a whopping four characters with it, and they hit all of the inclusivity and hair colour check marks. I particularly like the girls with the honey bee and ice cream cone shirts, as they're easily the two cutest characters in the set. 8}

It looks like the boy has spun the carousel too hard! He leaps into one of the chairs and starts laughing. "We want to get off!" the girls protest.

It can spin very quickly, making it a little dangerous for enthusiastic toddlers who spin it too fast. If you have a toddler that likes to go full force, keep an eye on them until you're sure they understand not to stop the carousel with their hands. The carousel spins very quietly, making it much better suited for quiet time than the Push & Go Car.

The carousel stops, and the woman is upset. She scolds the boy, but he doesn't listen. The two girls glare at him and shout "You're a bad kid! You can't play with us anymore!"

The woman comforts the two girls as the boy walks toward the snail ride. "I like your snail shirt!" the girl says. "Thank you! Let's be friends!"

The rocking snail is much lighter than the Push & Go Car, and rocks gently when you press on the snail's tail. It has some beads inside to make it rattle, but this isn't heard while the snail rocks. This set is best for the youngest of toddlers and babies, as there's not much to it. However the klicky has a nice sandcastle shirt, which goes nicely with the other adorable 1.2.3 klicky kid shirts.

1.2.3 klicky kids have the cutest shirts! I'd buy real versions of all of these for my niece and nephew.  ;D

That's all I have for now, but more is on the way! I'll leave you with a cute picture of a kitten who loves Playmobil. He's the reason I had to convert to 1.2.3 :love:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on September 07, 2024, 08:42:35
... it seems like new threads are infrequent here,

You are not wrong there! Sadly many people seem to prefer Facebook for their PM discussions now, or one of the non-English sites like amclicks or klickywelt (which are excellent sites, but which have also seen declining activity in recent years). Personally, I love the international mix here on Playmofriends.

It's worth noting that due to American and Canadian English, the "Children's Carousel" is sometimes listed as the "Number Merry-Go-Round"

That happens quite a lot, and with British English too, the situation can get even more confusing. From simple differences like the spelling of mold or mould, to words like faucet/tap, fender/bumper or the American equivalent of what we in Britain call 'bumbags' (that often gets a snigger over here!).
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 10, 2024, 23:03:14
(The First Junior Set!) Disney Princess: Playmobil Junior Aqua: Ariel's Shell Shower (71460)
(Technically this was the second one I ordered, but it arrived first.)

I'm happy to see the Disney sets step up in quality, as the ones from 2023 weren't very good or unique. Disney Princess is a good way to entice both boys and girls, and only having one set per princess is way better than having FIVE Winnie the Pooh sets. So far there are four sets, and you know they aren't done with it yet since they haven't pulled out the modern muscle of Frozen and Tangled.

Many of the Disney Princess movies have been under ruthless scrutiny for years, but I'm still a fan of them as they're some of Disney's best movies. The Little Mermaid gets criticized the most these days, but Ariel and friends are still lovable to me. Sometimes you just gotta sit back and enjoy the movie, you know?


Ariel is pretty amusing with the traditional Playmobil stare, but that's often a big part of what makes the licensed sets so fun. Flounder is cute in this set too, and I'm all for excluding Sebastian as I was never a fan of him. There's a random starfish to fill out the set, but he's still neat as he can spin very well on a flat surface. Flounder can pour water from his mouth, which clever toddlers can use to pour into Ariel's shower.


I was a little concerned about the length of Ariel's hair prior to buying the set, as it wasn't shown off in the available photos. It's nice and long as it should be, but it does have the side effect of making it impossible to spin her head around.


The shower is very large, which restricts how high you can fill the tub. This is fine for its intended audience, but will be an issue for bigger kids, and even bigger adults. The shower is also very heavy, so the suction cup that holds it in place won't sustain its weight for very long.

Edit: Upon further tinkering, the shower stays in place while using the sliding piece on the bottom to prop it against the side of the tub. When the suction cup is sufficiently wet, and with the water of the tub giving it some balance, the shower will stay in place. Holes in the bottom of the shower will allow the pooled water to pour out into the tub.

If you're having issues with the suction cup, it isn't a big issue since you can just place it on the side of your tub, and play to your heart's content. (Or until the bath gets cold) For the sake of the photos I had it face outside the tub, but don't do that as it leaks onto the floor. :lol: Facing the shower towards the tub will allow the water to pour back inside.

No matter how you end up doing it, you'll find that the shower effect is quite nice looking! I like the Aqua sets where the water interaction is a little more intricate, and this is a good one for that. The shell can also be removed, and act as a little seat for Ariel.


This is a great little set, and one of the best options for the new Playmobil Junior. It's something to goof around with in the bath, it has lovable characters that make sense for an aqua set, the water interaction is great, and it's all the more appealing with its lower $24.99 Canadian price point.

If one of your little ones wants a Disney Princess Playmobil set, this is a good one to go with! That is of course if you aren't too busy fuming about The Little Mermaid on social media. ;D
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on September 11, 2024, 07:20:27
Thank you for the detailed reviews!

I find the 123 "klickys" and animals adorable, and have been getting some lose, whenever I find them at a nice price...

I actually have most of those on my want list :) 

And the kitty is, of course, ADORABLE :love:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 11, 2024, 22:21:53
Thank you for the detailed reviews!

You're welcome! :)9 I prefer the forum format on the internet as opposed to social media, as I've always enjoyed making detailed forum posts. Sometimes posts like the one above take multiple hours of coming back to in order to get them just how I like. ;D As it is I left some details out, as there's a point where people won't read your posts if they're too long. I left out a segment showcasing how Flounder doesn't really sit well in the shell. Most of the positions he ends up in are pretty funny looking as they look really uncomfortable.

Maybe down the road when nothing's being released, I'll make new posts that expand on sets I already talked about. I'm still waiting on one more Junior set, which I actually ordered way before the Ariel one from the same place. : /
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on September 12, 2024, 07:02:48
You're welcome! :)9 I prefer the forum format on the internet as opposed to social media, as I've always enjoyed making detailed forum posts. Sometimes posts like the one above take multiple hours of coming back to in order to get them just how I like. ;D As it is I left some details out, as there's a point where people won't read your posts if they're too long. I left out a segment showcasing how Flounder doesn't really sit well in the shell. Most of the positions he ends up in are pretty funny looking as they look really uncomfortable.

I like long posts. I usually make them too.... :)

Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 16, 2024, 21:03:26
The second Junior set has arrived! I actually ordered this one first, but the parcel had some issues in the mail. It finally got here after two weeks, even though I paid extra for express shipping.


I'm not going to format this one like a review, since there's not a ton to say about it. It's based on an older set with an updated colour scheme, and it's not as feature rich as some of the crazier sets from the 2020s. It's an old fashioned kind of toy that Santa would make for you, but it's still one of the better options for Junior's launch if you ask me.

It's just so darn cute!

The claw can extend quite high!

Marlie and I love our toys!

"Being a hard working man makes me feel like an important member of the community!"

The back of the vehicle can connect with other trailers, so the construction worker can enjoy a nice doughnut lunch break!
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 20, 2024, 21:03:18
I found both of these sets on sale for half price, so I jumped at them as I had been looking for them.


Part of what appealed to me about these sets is that they reminded me of the two cops from Last of the Summer Wine. :)


No big review this time, just a few fun images to show them off. Here's a final image of the cops hitching their car to the doughnut truck. :lol:


These sets are kind of "extra" in the sense that I didn't really need them at the moment, but would have been annoyed with myself had I not jumped at the opportunity to get them. They'll eventually be a part of the playground display I'm making of 1.2.3 and Junior. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: Tiermann on September 21, 2024, 03:25:43
"Extra" - that's the slippery slope right there. You're reasoning is so so familiar. Next thing you know the spare bedroom is half filled solid with Playmobil.  ;)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 21, 2024, 05:07:13
Like I said, "extra" in the sense that I didn't need it right away. I was planning to get these sets, but it could have waited. It was just a good price for it, so I went for it. I've been careful not to dive too deep with Playmobil. :lol:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on September 21, 2024, 08:26:25
The 123 klicys and animals (ok, and the stuff) are so darn CUTE, they are really hard to resist... Nice to see reviews of them :)

I've been careful not to dive too deep with Playmobil. :lol:

--- oh, my sweet summer child....
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on September 21, 2024, 09:01:09
Next thing you know the spare bedroom is half filled solid with Playmobil.  ;)

Only half filled?
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 21, 2024, 17:30:27
The 123 klicys and animals (ok, and the stuff) are so darn CUTE, they are really hard to resist... Nice to see reviews of them :)

I've been careful not to dive too deep with Playmobil. :lol:

--- oh, my sweet summer child....

I guess it's true that I did pay money to join a forum specifically to talk about it. Maybe I'm just kidding myself. :lol:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on September 22, 2024, 16:08:32
I guess it's true that I did pay money to join a forum specifically to talk about it. Maybe I'm just kidding myself. :lol:


Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 24, 2024, 20:44:36
I made a large purchase of Playmobil 1.2.3 sets, and finally hit that moment where I couldn't justify keeping all of the boxes. The 1.2.3 boxes are gigantic, and the XL sized box was the final straw. I had to open my eyes and realize that the boxes had to go, but luckily the solution came with the sets I ordered.


I ordered seven 1.2.3 sets from a Canadian store called "Bright Bean Toys", and they shipped my order in these gorgeous Playmobil branded boxes. I couldn't stand the thought of throwing them away, but knew that something had to give. After sleeping on it and thinking about it in the morning, I came up with a solution that I liked. I decided to recycle the retail boxes, and store the loose 1.2.3 pieces in the shipping boxes.

I'll talk about the sets I bought in a later post, but I really just wanted to show off these boxes. Playmobil's own site doesn't even send these, so I was blown away when a little Canadian store did. I think they're awesome. :lol:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on September 25, 2024, 06:25:26
The seriousness of my playmodisease does not allow me to trash boxes.

I flatten mine. It hurts.

Playmobil's own site doesn't even send these, so I was blown away when a little Canadian store did. I think they're awesome. :lol:

Sometimes the official store does send those boxes.. it has happened...
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on September 25, 2024, 21:52:33
Sometimes I'll buy a set mainly for the human characters, and this was one of those times. I love this character's outfit, and the top hat is a great accessory. The whole set is pretty funny too, as it lends itself well to a stubborn circus horse and its frustrated trainer. Sometimes a set doesn't need a lot in it to be fun.  ;D





Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: playmovictorian on September 26, 2024, 06:32:12
Lovely pictures  :love:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on October 01, 2024, 20:20:46
A new Disney Junior set has arrived! I'm skipping over the aqua sets for now, as there's too much to talk about.


The castle comes with quite a few more pieces than this, but this is my favourite configuration. I love the idea that the first thing Cinderella insisted on after getting married was to install a slide in the castle. :lol: I'm working on a display that expands on the idea of Cinderella requesting really silly things due to her sudden life of luxury. Don't worry though! She settles down before it gets too silly!


The castle is nice of course, but these two klickies are the real selling point. If you're a fan of Cinderella, these are pretty hard to resist. I don't know why, but these two characters work so well in the Playmobil style. Easily the main reason I bought the set!

Looking forward to showing off the whole display when the rest arrives. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on October 02, 2024, 06:36:26
The klickys are very pretty...

Is that big skirt removable?

(if you didnt't know yet... playmonuts ALWAYS wanna see under the skirts...  >:D )

Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on October 02, 2024, 18:07:21
The skirt is removable, as is Belle's. There's nothing crazy to see though, as they both wear pants. I'll take photos of them once the "Belle Tower" arrives. It's actually still cute, as they look like they're ready for a pajama party. XD

There's also a small bump on the bottom of the skirts which allows them to spin like they're dancing. It works surprisingly well for how simple it is.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on October 02, 2024, 19:52:49
The skirt is removable, as is Belle's. There's nothing crazy to see though, as they both wear pants. I'll take photos of them once the "Belle Tower" arrives. It's actually still cute, as they look like they're ready for a pajama party. XD

There's also a small bump on the bottom of the skirts which allows them to spin like they're dancing. It works surprisingly well for how simple it is.

Thank you for the reviews - the 123 klickys are all adorable :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on October 02, 2024, 21:08:15
Here's the picture you wanted. I figured I'd just show it off now rather than wait for Belle.


It's especially funny with Cinderella as she doesn't wear the glass slippers, and it just looks like winter pajamas that go all the way down and cover her feet. :love:

Compatible with other figures. :)


Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on October 03, 2024, 08:54:13
Here's the picture you wanted. I figured I'd just show it off now rather than wait for Belle.

She's really cute - like you said, she seems to be in her jammy :)

Thanks for the pics!

Uhm.. that's a new torso, right?  Since when?  (I never payed too much attention, since I don't do 123 customs - though I NEED to pop one now.. any ideas?)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on October 03, 2024, 16:31:58
Can you take Junior/123 figures apart? I thought that was impossible, or nearly so....

I found the ETN (part number) for that lady.. 60010990 and her hoop skirt is 60663000. But don't get excited, neither is available as a spare part on  :(
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on October 03, 2024, 17:44:42
Uhm.. that's a new torso, right?  Since when?  (I never payed too much attention, since I don't do 123 customs - though I NEED to pop one now.. any ideas?)

Buy the set!  ;D (If you can put her back together after taking her apart that is.)

It's also worth noting that the set with Belle has a similar figure, and is quite a bit cheaper. Mine hasn't arrived yet, but I'm pretty sure one of the sides of the box pictures her outside of the skirt. If you can confirm it's the same type of mold by looking at the box, you could just buy the cheaper set. It's fifty Canadian compared to ninety, and I'd argue it's a nicer set overall.

Of course I don't normally spend a lot of money on myself for luxuries, so I have plenty of hobby money to burn. Your budget may obviously differ, but I always say it's worth putting your money where the quality is. Support a declining Disney and Playmobil by buying stuff you actually want at full price!
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on October 04, 2024, 07:17:18
Can you take Junior/123 figures apart? I thought that was impossible, or nearly so....

Yes... I can't remember where I saw it. I think the principle is the same.

I wanted to pop a bow who had the wrong hands, but since I really didn't have the right ones, I just forgot about when it didn't immediately worked.. Now I DO have plans for one. So...

Buy the set!  ;D (If you can put her back together after taking her apart that is.)

Ah, no.. I just want the klicky. I can't buy those huge sets - I have SERIOUS space issues - as in "where will I put it?"..

(need to fit TWO more sets of dinos in there. Gods.)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on October 21, 2024, 18:59:41
The "Belle Tower" as I've been calling it is my favourite new Junior set for 2024. It's a music box that plays Beauty and the Beast music, but for the life of me I can't identify what song it's supposed to be. It might be a background track that I'm not familiar with, or it's just been too long since I saw the movie.

Either way, it sounds like a typical chiming music box, and doesn't just play an MP3. As the music box plays, the image in the middle spins around to show other characters. It also makes Belle spin around in the tower slowly. You can also remove the little window cover and have Belle peek out the window. It's okay though! She's already in the ball gown, so she's not sad and is enjoying her stay by this point. :lol:


The Belle figure is really lovely too, and I got some nice lighting for these photos. Belle always had the best dress of all the Disney Princesses. She went from a lovely lady to a gorgeous super star whenever she had the ball gown on.  8} I made sure to show off her little ponytail too, as it's not apparent in any of the official photos. I also showed her outside the dress as that was requested before.


Easily my favourite Junior set from 2024, and I highly recommend it! It's way better than the Cinderella castle, even though it's not as grand. Also while it doesn't actually include a Beast figure, Marlie made sure to make it into the outtakes to play the role. :lol:


I bought this Winnie the Pooh balance pot since I thought Marlie would like to chase it, but it was the first total dud where he doesn't care about it. That was a bit of a let down, but I still enjoy spinning it around myself. :lol: It can break dance really well if you put some spin on it!


I still have to post about the aqua sets at some point, but time has been an issue for me as I've been very busy. I'll get to it at some point, I swear! I hope to post more again soon! I took a bit of a break, but I'm back into it now. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on October 22, 2024, 06:41:49
Thank you for the detailed pics.. I hope I can find Belle sometime... A nice 123 klicky..
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on November 24, 2024, 20:38:08
It's been a while since I posted, but I'm getting back into it! I have basically all of the 1.2.3 and Junior that I want now, and I've been taking the Canada Post strike as an excuse to order more Playmobil. All of the places I order Playmobil from ship by courier, so I can safely order it and have it arrive. While I'm waiting for it to arrive though, I can show off some things I've bought during my downtime on the site.

Some Playmobil characters catch my eye for how appealing they are, so I've been buying some of the characters that catch my attention. One of the ones I wanted was a mystery figure boxer woman, as she's got a great design.


Next there were some cheerleaders on Playmobil Plus that I wanted for quite a while. The one on the left looks like a mash up of all three PS1 era Final Fantasy love interests. XD


This is the one I wanted the most though.


It's been a bit of a slow while for me and Playmobil, but I have a lot of stuff on the way now. I'll post about it when it all starts showing up. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on November 26, 2024, 21:01:27
I was against picking up licensed Playmobil sets initially, but the Cinderella Junior set made me warm up to them. Now that I have a few, I think they're really funny.



The Colour set was fun to colour with, and I made a nice little dress if I do say so myself. :) She's throwing her purse and wallet at the dress because she wants it so much!

The Star Trek and Scooby-Doo sets are the real fun ones though. Keeping with the tradition that the Scooby-Doo cast is so likable that they can crossover with anything, here's a little Scooby-Doo meets Star Trek for you. :)

"Like I have a gnarly stomach ache dude!"
"Danggit Norville, that stuff isn't fit for human consumption!"

"Like Captain, I don't think that's even a real ghost!"
"Get a hold of yourself T.K!"

"Like thanks to Scooby-Doo we recovered the Stanley Cup and saved the NHL!"
"You're such a good boy Scooby-Doo!"
"Scooby-Doo didn't do anything! His cowardice almost got a man killed!"

"I find the importance of this silver chalice most illogical"
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: Macruran on November 27, 2024, 04:37:43
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: Klickteryx on November 27, 2024, 05:28:07

It was the Doctor with the screwdriver in the study.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: Macruran on November 27, 2024, 11:20:00
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on December 10, 2024, 20:22:21
I discovered Playmobil last November, so it's been a full year since I discovered the toy line!

I've only been shopping at physical retail during the Canada Post strike to make a statement, and thus I've had to settle for finding what I can for all things. Playmobil is not easy to find in physical stores in Canada, so it was a huge fluke that I found two sets that I wanted. My collection was also starting to get a bit messy, so I decided to pack all of last year's purchases in a box and start fresh for 2025.

These are the two sets I bought that are going to be the base for my new display.


Obviously the layout will change as more sets are added, but this is a nice little starting point. :)


Mom sets out to collect more firewood, as her dad tells her to be careful. The family dog is too scared to go along, so he stays in the tent. The young girl is roasting marshmallows with her Grandfather, while her dad tries to apply some mosquito repellent to her neck.

"Daddy! I don't want to wear it! You'll spray my marshmallows and ruin them!" >:(

"Well you should hurry up and eat them before the mosquitos come and take a bite out of you!" ;D

"Listen to your Dad. Put on the bug spray or I'll come back with spiders on the fire wood!" ;D

Grandpa quietly eats his marshmallows and listens to the odd behavior of his daughter's family, and wonders if their every day lives are like this.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 13, 2025, 20:33:28
It's been a while! I decided to get back into 1.2.3/Junior as it's cat safe, and I overall enjoy it more than regular Playmobil. Here are some sets I picked up!


I wanted to pick up some of the fairy sets to go with the Cinderella Castle. The blonde fairy with fawn was surprisingly hard to track down at retail price.


These characters remind me of the fairies from the old Legend of Zelda cartoon. They're all super cute, and I love how each one has a different hair colour for variety.


Part of what interested me about these characters is that they have unique molds for the wings. The wings don't move, and they extend the toy farther back than most other 1.2.3 characters. This causes compatibility issues with many of the other toys, as they can't sit in the cramped vehicles and seats made for the basic mold. However I did find one toy they're compatible with.


The Winnie the Pooh pot is just shallow enough for them to stand in and not snag their wings. I have no idea if this was on purpose or not, but it's a happy coincidence at the very least. :)

There was one other fairy set, but I haven't been able to track it down at a normal price. These were the three I wanted the most though, so I'm happy to have them all.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 13, 2025, 21:10:14
I accidentally quoted my own post while trying to make an edit. Ignore this post.  :lol:

I guess to not make a waste of it though, I'll say that I'm still on the look out for some Europeon exclusive sets, and I may have finally found a place where I can get them. I've been trying to get the Tinti Aqua sets ever since they came out, and I've had no luck until today. I'll be able to place an order on Wednesday, so hopefully it works out.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: Birdie on February 14, 2025, 16:35:45
I agree the Playmobil 123 look really cute and inviting. My daughter never caught on, but I still love them. Thank you for the beautiful pictures  :love:

I couldn't resist that marshmallow set either, I ordered it last week. I wondered for a second whether those white balls would fit on the sticks, but it worked with some force. I wonder how a kid would fare with them, though.

Somehow I missed the Star Trek characters: they really did a great job with those.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 15, 2025, 18:58:01
Good news! I was able to find the final fairy set, and got same day delivery thanks to my brother's Amazon account. Now I have the whole fairy set!


I love when 1.2.3 / Junior releases sets in a little group, and this may be one of the nicest groups they've done. :) I'm really happy with this display, and I'm glad I got in on them before they became impossible to find. (The blonde fairy with fawn was already hard to track down)

As I said before, the next thing on my list are the Europeon exclusive Tinti Aqua sets. They won't be cheap, but it's about as good a price as I could hope for given the circumstances. I'll be able to order them on Wednesday. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on February 17, 2025, 08:32:37
They are soo cute... I love the 123 fairies too :love:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: klickyklack on February 18, 2025, 01:10:35
i've enjoyed looking through your thread, I started collecting some of the 123 / Junior sets in more recent years & the fairy sets are one of the main types I love & collect.  I haven't unboxed 70400 yet & now i really want to!  :lol:

I look forward to seeing more of your collection!
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 25, 2025, 20:34:30
There was an online sale at Castle Toys for 25% off ALL Playmobil, so I decided to pick up some things that had been too expensive to justify at full price. I'm also starting to set up all of the 1.2.3 in my room! It's been fun figuring out how to set it all up, and it's been fun reorganizing my room to do so.

Here's the 1.2.3 version of the Winnie the Pooh tree house. This was originally priced at $65.00 Canadian, but I got it for $48.00. I also picked up the aqua set of Tigger in the inflatable raft, as it's the cheapest way to get Tigger. I love the original Winnie the Pooh film, so I tried to make this as much like the movie as I could.


Pooh is sitting at his hero party with the big "Hero Hunny" pot, (with Piglet joining him) Tigger is stuck in the tree, and "Christopher Robin" is in his swing set as seen at the very start of the movie. The hunny pot was from a different set, and the klickie I used for Christopher Robin is from the water carousel set. He even has the right shade of yellow and blue for his clothes! ;D

I also picked up the Noah's Arc set, which was originally priced at $70.00 Canadian, but I got it for $52.00. There are some extra animals not included in the set, and they came from the recent Junior Christmas advent calendar. (Which I also bought on sale with the other sets) Noah and his wife really sell it for me. :lol: I placed this display at the top of one of my shelves, to replicate how Noah landed atop the big mountain when the rain stopped.


I also added to my Belle Tower display with the help of the advent calendar. I don't know how many of you watched and actually enjoyed "Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas" like my family did, but I added the forest outside Beast's castle, and Angelique doing her "I don't want to deal with you" pose. :lol:


I'm planning to expand the Little Mermaid and Cinderella displays too, but I don't have the pieces I need yet. I'm really happy with these displays though, and I'll take photos of my whole room when it's finished. :)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on February 26, 2025, 08:23:15
Seeing your purchases puts me in danger of collecting Playmobil Junior (Actually we do have quite a lot of 123 which the grandchildren play with)!

" I decided to pick up some things that had been too expensive to justify at full price "

Yup, I do that a lot too, most recently the Naruto sets... :-[
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 27, 2025, 01:17:07
Seeing your purchases puts me in danger of collecting Playmobil Junior (Actually we do have quite a lot of 123 which the grandchildren play with)!

Wouldn't that be something if a relative newcomer got long time collectors and moderators to start buying 1.2.3 and Junior? ;D

It's finally time to start posting about the aqua sets! I never got around to it despite them being some of the first sets I bought, but I'm going to start making an effort to do it.


This set is a "floating island" aimed to spark your imagination. (According to the description.) The idea is that you set up the boy on the end of the seesaw, open the little red door, and tilt the slide by pouring water onto the red dot. This makes the boy smack his head on the door, fall out of the hole in the slide, smack off the side of the island and fall in the water.


Its a very confusing toy to be honest, but what saves this set are the great characters that come with it. The lovely lady in particular with the black hair/purple shirt combo, cute little ponytail, and tan skin was the ENTIRE reason I bought the set.


She's so cute! :love: Characters aside though, this set is still pretty weird. Perhaps I need to use my imagination like the description says?

Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on February 28, 2025, 23:00:54
Time for some write ups on the bath time 1.2.3 and Junior sets! Some of these I bought back in early 2024, but just never got around to posting about.


This is one of the better aqua sets if you ask me. The man in the scuba mask is great, (and amusing to place in boats) and the idea of the set is a good one. I like the aqua sets that interact with water in a clever way, which is usually not the case. A suction cup attaches the wheel to the side of the tub, and sticks well due to the water. The photo makes it look like it spins really fast, but it's actually kind of tricky to make it rotate smoothly. I'm using a bucket that didn't come with the set, as the one it comes with doesn't hold enough water.


The water slide is the most useless set I own for display purposes, but it works perfectly fine in the tub. Attach it to the side of your tub with the included suction cups, and have the boy slide down. You can set up the little tub for him to land in, or just have him slide into the water. This is probably a really good one for toddlers, as it's simple and fun enough for them.


The box for this set shows a woman in the boat, but every in person photo I've seen of this set shows a man. (Including the ones I bought)

This is where we start to see the main issue with the aqua line. A lot of the sets are just things that float in the tub. Some are fancier looking than others, but they don't do anything interesting. This set is even worse as the smaller ducks are bad at swimming, and flip upside down at the slightest shuffle. They won't swim upright again unless you dump water out of them.

The duck boat is the best thing in the set, and pairs well with the scuba man from the water wheel set. Overall this set is quite poor though, and you're better off getting a standard rubber ducky for your toddler.


The nicest "floats in the water" set is the Moana set, so I took some beauty shots of it. It's a bit larger than you'd expect, and it's in line with how great looking the other Disney Princess sets are. The Disney Princess sets are all spectacular, and I'd recommend them all in a heartbeat. That being said, the Canadian retail price of the Moana set is forty dollars, which is kind of high. I had been waiting for it to go on sale ever since it released, and eventually got it for thirty.

The Moana figure is great, but her head can't rotate due to the length of her hair. This is an issue with the Ariel figure too.



Lastly there are the Tigger and Mickey sets. I bought the Tigger set because it was the cheapest way to get Tigger, and I bought the Mickey set because I enjoy how it portrays Mickey as a selfish billionaire. (I forgot to take pictures of the turtle and fish that come with the Mickey set.)

Overall I think the water wheel, water slide, and Moana sets are the best, but of course how willing you are to use them as an adult varies by person. If you're not ashamed to have bath toys as an adult, I'd recommend the water slide the most. If you're looking for an aqua set just to display, get the Moana set.

I still have to post about the 2020 aqua sets, but I'll save them for another time. At least I won't have to worry about dropping my phone in the bath tub to take pictures of those ones. :lol:
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: tahra on March 03, 2025, 07:33:24
Thank you for the details on these - they are beyond cute :love:

(...) but of course how willing you are to use them as an adult varies by person. If you're not ashamed to have bath toys as an adult, (...)

Nobody should be ashamed of playmobil - or anything else that does not harm other creatures for that matter. That's what people should be ashamed of.  The rest.. well, don't like, don't look (as in mind your own business and leave me in peace enjoying my klickys).
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on March 08, 2025, 22:48:38

The Tinti sets have arrived! I'm in the process of taking more detailed photos, but it'll take a few days as I'll need to run a bath for each set and all three colours of bath tablet. These were absurdly hard to get sent to Canada, and I'm so glad they made it here safely. Now I can finally relax about it! :lol:

In the end I bought them from a site called "Kid's World", which were willing to ship to Canada. It was twenty-five euro for shipping, and then I was slapped with an eighteen dollar duty fee when it got here. With the cost of everything I ended up spending around $230 Canadian. A steep price for sure, but I had long ago set aside a bunch of money while searching for a place that would send them.

Originally I was most interested in the submarine, but the more I thought about the Tinti tablets I became more interested in the other two sets. There's definitely a difference between the coolness of the toys themselves, and the toys with the water changing tablets.

I'll post about all three sets, probably in separate posts. Like I said though, it'll take a few days to get the photos due to the bath tablets.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: GrahamB on March 09, 2025, 09:46:09
I'm glad you managed to get them! Shipping and duties on top of high prices for the toys themselves can make collecting PM an expensive hobby. :(
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: klickyklack on March 09, 2025, 13:40:53
They're very cute sets & look very nicely designed!

Sorry that the availability made them expensive for you to get there, but i hope you have fun with them & I look forward to seeing your photos.
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: NovaBombardment on March 11, 2025, 19:37:25
Here are the photos for the submarine set! I'm going to milk these purchases for three separate posts. :lol:


The Junior line has redesigned the faces of the little octopuses from the 1.2.3 sets, and they've very quickly grown on me. I'm not against Playmobil toying around with different face styles, and it's especially fine to try out on the animals. The retired submarine captain enjoys the freedom to dress casually on his prized vessel, and commissioned a shirt to be made with his own sub on it.


The sub opens up so you can place the characters inside! This is a nice aqua set where the main toy actually accounts for the little sea creature that's usually included. You can leave the top off if you like and just have the sub be a motor boat. It's like a two in one toy! :)


The little octopus is scared to dive too deep, so it hitches a ride in the submarine and peeks out the window.


The piece that holds the Tinti tablet attaches to the bottom, and stays below the water while the sub floats up top. Holes in the piece allow the tablet to break off into the tub and change the colour of the water.


The propeller on the back of the sub can spin, though there's no motor or anything fancy. Just spin it for something to do. :lol:


I'm sorry the lighting is so bad, but there are no windows in my bathroom. It's a little hard to tell just how blue the water is due to the Tinti tablet, but it's VERY blue. I picked the blue tablet for the submarine as it looked like the kind of deep water a submarine would be needed for. This image is supposed to look like the kind of area where a submarine would leave the bigger vessel. I can't claim to know exactly what it looks like outside of movies. :-[

The submarine departs for the mighty deep, descending to where man on his own would surely meet his watery grave. To be swallowed up by Poseiden is a fear all men of the sea must learn to overcome, or accept as an inevitable fate.*To continue reading this story, please subscribe to...*

It's worth noting that when the submarine is underwater, it will fill up with water and not float correctly when it comes back up. You gotta love toy logic sometimes.

In the end I think the submarine itself is great, but the Tinti interaction isn't too special. While the deep blue does look good for underwater adventures, the other colours are kind of strange for a submarine. The tablets come in blue, purple and green, and I don't think the sub spewing purple oil or green chemical waste is very kid friendly. (It also doesn't make you feel very clean) The other two sets look a lot more promising with the Tinti interaction though, so I'll get those up when I can.

I should also note that as an adult, I'm a little suspicious of the Tinti tablets. I certainly don't want to get the coloured water in my mouth or eyes, and I'm just glad I didn't have some kind of allergic reaction to them. (Which only occurred to me after I had finished my bath)
Title: Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
Post by: klickyklack on March 11, 2025, 21:22:36
The screening on the octopus IS adorable, what a cutie!
The submarine is so nicely designed, but what a shame it fills up with water.

In the end I think the submarine itself is great, but the Tinti interaction isn't too special. While the deep blue does look good for underwater adventures, the other colours are kind of strange for a submarine. The tablets come in blue, purple and green, and I don't think the sub spewing purple oil or green chemical waste is very kid friendly. (It also doesn't make you feel very clean) The other two sets look a lot more promising with the Tinti interaction though, so I'll get those up when I can.

I should also note that as an adult, I'm a little suspicious of the Tinti tablets. I certainly don't want to get the coloured water in my mouth or eyes, and I'm just glad I didn't have some kind of allergic reaction to them. (Which only occurred to me after I had finished my bath)

I wouldn't be worried about the Tinto tablets unless you have particular issues with reactions to things.

I imagine testing for stuff for kids is pretty stringent in Germany, & their site ( says:
Tinti's products do not contain parabens or any other preservatives, and all the colours are made from natural dyes.

In other words, it is safe for children to be washed with Tinti's products. Everything from Tinti is thoroughly tested, and the company has received several awards for their products, ranging from skin-friendliness to sustainable production. Everything is also designed and manufactured in Germany.