Creative => Customs Gallery => Dioramas & Buildings => Topic started by: Tiermann on December 21, 2020, 01:15:33
This year I did not have the diorama table available so found an alternative location. Thanks to the 4 way grey Steck connectors it was possible to make a C shaped structure. I used all my double wide open walls this time. This thread will be an overview of highlights of the photo series as usual.
The full photo set is on my Flickr account at Santa Castle 2020 ( and individual photos are posted daily until Christmas on my Instagram account Timspfd
( ( Castle 2020 no1 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no6 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no3 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
This sleigh is the new one from the Spirit Riding Free winter theme, I think it's the best one they have done yet
( ( Castle 2020 no7 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no9 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no11 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no12 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no13 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no19 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no21 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no22 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no27 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no29 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no31 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no37 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no39 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
A new custom elf this year - Hermey the dentist from the Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer TV special by Rankin Bass
( ( Castle 2020 no41 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no47 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no49 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no51 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no55 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no58 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no59 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no61 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no62 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no64 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no65 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no67 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no68 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no71 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no73 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
( ( Castle 2020 no74 ( by Tim (, on Flickr
That's it for this year.
Here is a link list of my previous iterations of Santa Castle's and Christmas themed dioramas available here at Playmofriends.
Christmas 3000 (
Holiday Market Diorama 2017 (
Santa's Workshop 2016 (
Santa Town 2015 (
Santa Castle 2013 (
Santa Village 2012 (
Santa Castle 2011 (
Simral and the Santa 2010 (
Simral in Seattle (
Simral Get's a Clue (
Simral's Solution (
Santa Castle 2009 (
Santa Castle 2005 (
You may have noticed no masks or social distancing at the North Pole. Also no dumpster fires. I wanted a respite from reality. Thanks for looking, I hope you all have as great a holiday as possible for 2020. Tim
Fantastic work Tim, as always! A real treat, looking through the pictures and spotting familiar and unfamiliar PM parts.
One of my favourites was no. 74, with Santa's surfboard hung up waiting for next Summer. And his hat and beard on a stand- that explains why he sometimes appears wearing an obviously false beard, I suppose. The cool reindeer in shades was another high spot in many.
Great lighting, great setup. I hate to think how long it will take to put it all away!
With all those sweets, it's a good thing they brought in an in-house dentist! :elf:
Nice work!
Amazing dio, as always! There are so many lovely details! :love:
Your structure is perfect, very well divided; downstairs the warehouse/storage, great Santa-sledge and coffee-break scenes :love:, 2 floors of wonderfully filled workshops (also love the very useful dentist corner, of course he must be needed), and upstairs the offices, the santa memorabilia, and the reindeers getting ready, sunglasses and all! :love:
Thank you for sharing and cheering up this Christmas, Tim! Merry Christmas!! <*) :xmascheer: :xtree:
Wonderful <*) :rudy:
Love the new sleigh and everything else you arranged so perfect!
Have a great Christmas :wave:
Another brilliant dio, as always <*)
I love the custom banners (not new, I guess, but I still love them ;) )
And I agree about that spirit sleigh - really nice... and in pretty colors too!
I really like the painted/unpainted dolls in pic 22! .. and all the toys on the shelves (#27)... AND the little elf building the house from instructions (#31) :love:
All the reindeers on the top (and Rudolph wearing sunglasses! :rudy: ) are awesome - and the harnesses all lined up inside :wow: And the weather station too.
The room up top with the charts and computers is also brilliant...
And the surfboard on the wall is GENIUS! :) Awesome detail, along with the hat on the bust.
Thank you for sharing!
(how many of those elves do you have? :o )
Thanks for the comments everyone !
I have many many elves. I would like to have more multiples of the newer ones yet. This year's display is smaller and I only used less than half I think.
This year's display is smaller and I only used less than half I think.
... Also no dumpster fires. ...
I must admit, this is not something with which I am familiar - is it a current US meme, or were you using it figuratively?
Dumpster fire is an old meme, from before we called them memes. It implies sudden mini disasters that are impossible to control. 2020 is like you are so busy dealing with the series of dumpster fires in town you barely notice the forest fire surrounding you.
Great work, Tim! I especially like that almost all parts are available from Playmobil. A testimony to the great variety available.
Beautiful! :love: <*) :elf: :rudy:
The best part are the little surprises everywhere ;D I love how there is a first aid box in the elves workshop (where power tools are used!), a basket full of toothbrushes at the dentist's, a weather station on the top deck...
This sleigh is the new one from the Spirit Riding Free winter theme, I think it's the best one they have done yet
I've not been paying close attention the past few years, so I was delighted to notice some items I've never seen before. Tiny advents calendar, Christmas tree decoration on the wall, a smartphone :lol:, a bulletin board near the office :love:
Gorgeous Christmas dio, thank you so much for sharing! :)
You may have noticed no masks or social distancing at the North Pole. Also no dumpster fires. I wanted a respite from reality.
Me too, Tim, and your dio means just that to me. Greatly appreciated :thanks:
Dumpster fire is an old meme, from before we called them memes. It implies sudden mini disasters that are impossible to control. 2020 is like you are so busy dealing with the series of dumpster fires in town you barely notice the forest fire surrounding you.
A proto-meme?
The expression has certainly been around awhile.
Genius diorama! :ginger: :sleigh: :deco:
Hi Tim
I always look forward to your Christmas diorama. Now, I need to make large pot of tea and look through the photos again.
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!
Always a pleasure to look at your creations, especially this famous Christmas Dio. Thank for the pictures. <*)
Tim, where do you find the time?!
Wonderful as always.
I like the challenge (sometimes!) of making dios with constraints. It can push creativity.
I think this might be my favorite of your Christmas scenes (not to take anything away from Christmas 3000!l, and a part of that is how crowded it had to be to fit everything in. I am sure that made designing and picture taking more challenging, but all the elves crammed in those tight rooms seems spot-on for the logistics of a mythical castle at the north pole. (Herbie has a spacious office, but of course, all the other elves fear Herbie......)
Looking forward to next year's!
Long live steck and the amazing 4wayers. We got them at the end
Another grand steck diorama Tim, i bow to it. Daughters love it as well
Christmas and playmobil are synonymous as far as I’m concerned. When I was young Christmas was my only opportunity for playmobil, so my inner child thanks you for being able to witness this great diorama. Yet another master of movement with your ability to bring playmobil to life within your scenes. Among the many things to find in your photos, I thought the large kegs/barrels in the background were a fun touch ; )