
Creative => Photography & Graphics => Topic started by: JPSA on May 12, 2020, 12:38:07

Title: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on May 12, 2020, 12:38:07
Below is an illustration — a collage panorama — I did in Photoshop of the "Space Patrol" Headquarters, during the coronavirus confinement.

Note: You may need to download the image to see it whole, as the preview might be truncated, depending on your screen resolution / browser zoom setting; although, if you click on the image, it should zoom you in, and then you can click-drag on the middle mouse button to pan around.


Space Patrol HQ is located in Future Valley, on West-most side of Playmobil Island ( note: my own made-up paracosm, with the support and punctual feedback of my young nephew / no relation to the Playmobil movie ).  This is their main base, on Earth ( note: they have a few other bases elsewhere in the galaxy, naturally ).  Space Patrol runs a big fortress/expedition ship called "The Lightning Bolt", currently docked and being unloaded on the main — fully retractable — landing platform.

Several branches are part of Space Patrol:

Mars Mission's Earth HQ sits directly adjacent to the West ( not shown ), and is much more modest, and still undergoing construction.  Currently, the Mars Rover is being delivered on Level 1, to be loaded into the main hold of the Lightning Bolt, courtesy of Space Patrol ( the rover being much too large, and heavy, to fit into either the Mars Mission rocket, or their habitation module! ).  Space Patrol also provides space rides and supply deliveries to Future Planet guys, from time to time ( along with defense against Darksters ).

Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: doug on May 12, 2020, 16:27:28
Very nice set-up!
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: GrahamB on May 12, 2020, 16:41:46
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: GrahamB on May 12, 2020, 18:21:07

Now I have had a sit down and a chance to study your photo-diorama, I should add


Which translates as "That's a mind-boggling piece of work, JPSA!" I had great fun finding the many different PM sets and figures shown. It's one of my favourite themes, so it was nice so see so many 'old friends' in there, you have a very comprehensive collection! No aliens, I expect that was a conscious choice. I like the cranes, airport tower and treasure room! I will have to take some more time to study it all...
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: Tiermann on May 12, 2020, 22:18:16
That's a wonderful concept, very nicely blended together. Be sure to check out my thread about Christmas 3000 for my only big space diorama so far. Love the them but don't do a lot with it.
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on May 12, 2020, 23:56:21
. . . No aliens, I expect that was a conscious choice.

Hi GrahamB,

Thank you for the compliment!  The aliens are mostly bad guys ( in my mind ), and have their own lair, which is located across the desert, to the right of Space Patrol HQ, inside a mountain — yet to be illustrated.  It's possible blue aliens might be good guys, but the green ones are definitely bad guys in that world, bent on world domination ( considering the threatening vibe of the spider cruiser, and of their control center ).
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: Macruran on May 13, 2020, 00:39:51
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on May 13, 2020, 05:05:35
And here is the Lightning Bolt, as it was 3-4 years ago:


. . . Which was going to be upgraded to a slightly improved version ( never built ):






The Lightning Bolt was partly inspired — in spirit at least — by a wonderful creation I saw on Youtube ( by "Lino and Lars" ), while searching for video reviews of Playmobil 3079, as a potential gift for my nephew:

( (

Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: tahra on May 13, 2020, 07:59:48
Mind boggles.

That's amazing!! :o  :love:

I really like those new space police sets, but... can't... no space! :(

Looking forward to similiar work for the aliens' lair.
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on May 13, 2020, 09:54:07
Doug, GrahamB, Tiermann, Macruran and Tahra,

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and appreciation, for this piece.  ...I suppose that's a silver lining to being stuck at home, like many of us were: more time to focus on side projects, particularly worldplay-related, in one way or another.  As mentioned, I am currently adding the final touches to the 'super-secret' Spy Team HQ and surroundings, which is somewhat epic in scale ( if the thing was built, it would be 72 feet long! :lol: ).  I'll try to post it sometime next week.


Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: Macruran on June 07, 2020, 19:21:44
  • This type of illustration is known in German as a 'Wimmelbild', and are typically found in children-oriented books called Wimmelbilderbuch ( ( literally: "teeming pictures book" ).

Looks like PM likes them too!
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: GrahamB on June 08, 2020, 08:15:18
Thanks for pointing that out Macruran!

I like the Pterosaur in the duck pond best.
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: Macruran on June 09, 2020, 00:45:15
I like the Pterosaur in the duck pond best.

Lots of great stuff in it, but my favorite has to be


 :lol: :roman: :lol:

If you google the artist's name (Christoph Hoppenbrock) you can see he does a bunch of Wimmelbilder, though only two PM ones as far as I can tell through a multisecond internet search. This is the other one:
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on June 10, 2020, 13:04:05
Nice catch, Macruran.  I almost mentioned Hoppenbrock, but passed because some of his non-PM illustrations can be a bit 'risqué' ( not kid appropriate ).

Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: JPSA on April 30, 2024, 03:20:33
An updated version of The Lightning Bolt spaceship was eventually built, and can be viewed here: (
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: 4bairns on July 30, 2024, 00:08:55
That’s beautiful! I have a number of those sets, especially the vintage ones! I also have the structure and most parts of set 4875, a Top Agents Secret Hideouts set. I received it as a hand-me-down from one of my former daycare kids who is now 15 and has outgrown playing with them. Since I don’t have any other sets in this theme- and don’t have the money or storage space to add a whole new theme to my collection- I repurposed it as a “planetary outpost” for my Space themed collection. I think it fits the purpose pretty well!
Title: Re: Space Patrol HQ
Post by: 4bairns on July 30, 2024, 00:27:11
That’s beautiful! I have a number of those sets, especially the vintage ones. I also have the structure and most parts of set 4875, a Top Agents Secret Hideouts set. I received it as a hand-me-down from one of my former daycare kids who is now 15 and has outgrown playing with them. Since I don’t have any other sets in this theme- and don’t have the money or storage space to add a whole new theme to my collection- I repurposed it as a “planetary outpost” for my Space themed collection. I think it fits the purpose pretty well!

My sets include 3509, 3534, 3536, 3559, 4553, 3908 (maybe? I definitely have that robot. Don’t have a complete black suited astronaut tho), 9489, 9491, and 70110.

My 3536 seems to be a rare version. Purchased new in the mid to late 1980s, it doesn’t come with the blue astronauts that have the domed white helmets. Instead it has 2 blue Klickies, helmets, vest and attachments that are otherwise identical to those in red, yellow and white. One of those klickies is African too! I’m not going to say it’s African-American because this is an international site, but that’s the skin color and it comes with hair that’s different as well. Finding images for my own personal catalog was hard! so it must be pretty uncommon.

I’ve done licensed daycare for 12 years in my current community, plus another 10 years caring for just one child at a time which doesn’t require a license in my area. I have always allowed the children who’ve outgrown naps to use one theme at a time while the littler ones sleep. So I’ve turned many kids onto it! Bonus: I’ve also received hand me downs from several of “my kiddos” as they’ve gotten older, even those I had given them for birthdays or Xmas lol.