
General => Direct Service/Parts Queries => Topic started by: reimagination on June 02, 2014, 04:52:13

Title: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: reimagination on June 02, 2014, 04:52:13
A few years ago there was an add-on of three cowboys. One of them was a red head with freckles and a ten gallon hat. Does anyone know the set number? I'm having the darndest time trying to find it, and I really want that one cowboy.
Title: Re: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: Birdie on June 02, 2014, 06:48:09
The number of the three cowboy set is 7273, or do you mean you need the number for the cowboy or his accessories? (that I don't know :) )

If I need to find a set number, I usually just type in a description of the set in google images. One of the images usually has the set number in its description.
Title: Re: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: GrahamB on June 02, 2014, 06:57:38
That set was 7273 (as Birdie said!)

Three Cowboys (;title=Your%20Set%20List)

The redhead cowboy has a PlaymoDB part number k3801b, no PM number unfortunately, so you can't reorder from DS (

The hat may be 30 08 4660, in cream and available from DS (in Germany, I can order one for you if you wish) for 1,15 Euro, under the title 'Montanahut'. No picture available, so it might not be the same hat. The grey one in the link below is also available, for 0,30 Euro. (

The other accessories (gun belt, rifle, neckerchief, cuffs, chaps) should be easier to find.

Hope that helps!

Title: Re: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: Rhalius on June 02, 2014, 11:35:14
(Insert Blazing Saddles reference here.)  ;)

Title: Re: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: reimagination on June 02, 2014, 13:55:59
Thanks. I had tried google, but wasn't having too much luck.
Title: Re: cowboy with ten gallon hat
Post by: GrahamB on June 02, 2014, 14:57:57
I spotted these today when looking for something else ( shipping from Germany might be pricey though)ürKind_Spielzeug_Playmobil&hash=item35cc621228 (ürKind_Spielzeug_Playmobil&hash=item35cc621228)

The same seller also has three white ones for the same Buy-it-now price.