Creative => How-To => Topic started by: cheng on March 29, 2012, 02:15:14
I hardly plan to post in "How-To" because most of my customs take sometimes months to complete(waitng for parts..and sometimes for inspiration :P)
and by the time I'm almost done, I'm not able to take photos of masking/spraying and in this case, photos of transfers before they are used.
So, I was thinking about what Arnaud suggested in my "making-of-japanese-hats" thread...
and so I'm showing this before I finish the legs(I really dont know when..sometimes it could be in the same night when I get inspired or sometimes months later, when there's no time or no interest in PM...I have been through months when I temporarily lost interest in PM :P its true)
so I've just got these 3 red shorts from our pirates and btw, these transfers are by Cowabounga...I dont think PM could have done it better ;D
Can't wait to see them done! The mixing of colours (please note I spell it coloUrs! :P) seems interesting!
What kind of weapons are these going to carry?
if I finish my giant (hanging) drum first, they might end up as command/support soldiers with only a wakazashi behind their backs (run out of black belts with pins :P so might use another color (do French use the Queen's English or American English? (I sometimes hesitate when posting here because we have many english friends here whom we do not want to offend :P)
These look great, cheng! :lol: The transfers turned out really well. What exactly do you guys use to create them? I know that you design the symbols and prints and then print them out - but on what sort of "transfer"?
I merely send loads of reference pics to Arnaud who then recreates them with his softwares and probably use a more sophiscated printer (than mine :P) on these transfer sheets or various colours all with a translucent backing sheet, which i peel off and stick/rub the remaining sheet onto the klicky's surface and then peel off another transparent protective layer the other side.
as for details like what materials and wehre to get them, I'll have to refer to Arnaud to ;D
Ah, alright. Do the prints have the same quality and durability of the Playmobil prints?
PM prints are very durable although I've seen scratched ones (perhaps by kids/biting or adults taking off klicky heads ;D)
and PM stickers are PVC coated paper (or are there 100% pvc ones? anyone knows for sure?)
but are very lasting except that I find my viking shields' stickers slowly curling (anyone face this same problem?)
as for these transfers, they are not scratch-proof at all BUT you can apply/spray a layer of transparent spray or cover it with a transparent sticker
cant be as good as original PM prints but I dont want to wait a life time for Geobra to make an Ashigaru Fi?ure ;)
It sounds (and looks) like they work out very well! :)
but please remember, these prints are by cowabounga/Arnaud :love:
but please remember, these prints are by cowabounga/Arnaud :love:
:lol: I know. It's a good system that he has!
They look very smart, cheng, and I look forward to seeing how they end up.